Colton Smith Vs Abel Trujilo


Gold Belt
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
This is a fight I really want to see. Abel is a beast, and I feel like he would use his wrestling to counter Colton's and turn it into a striking match.
The GOAT really needs to fight supermatches at this point, fuck that wasting his time on smith
I feel like thats a mismatch. Colton won what was possibly the least talented season of TUF and Abel looked like a real savage in his debut against a guy who arguably has the same skillset as Colton.
They generally give the TUF winners a gimme fight in their first fight outside of TUF. I'd say someone from TUF UK/Australia.
Calton would experience the same fate as Marcus, those devastating knees to the body.
Hell yeah! Might just tone his ego down a bit.
Looking forward to see Abel fight again. Don't really care for Colton
I feel like thats a mismatch. Colton won what was possibly the least talented season of TUF and Abel looked like a real savage in his debut against a guy who arguably has the same skillset as Colton.

I'm not sure about that, there have been a few bad ones.
colton should headline the next tuf finale... you know, the event no one watches.
Maybe Colton will change his mind about how "easy" MMA is when he's unconscious with Trujillo standing over him.
Hold on though

Is colton in the military?
Abel is probably the most overrated guy in the UFC right now. He beat a guy that lost to Cody McKenzie... come on.