The absurd hypocrisy is Lebron only caring about social injustice when it doesnt impact his bottom dollar.
And no American should speak on foreign affairs? Who are you to decide that, lol? The ONLY reason you agree with Lebron is because hes Black and you're not allowed to disagree with him.
What are you babbling about ambassador?Stop buying chinese products or stfu peasant
Shots fired? As if you care what the retarded kid says.
How is maiming and killing women and children worthy respect?
The Iraq war alone. There are no exact figures, but perhaps twice as many Iraqi civilians were killed in the initial invasion than were killed in the 9/11 attacks. I'm not even singling out the soldiers. 64% of the American population sheered on the slaughter of those innocent people. This is something you expect from Nazi Germany. Except even the Nazis knew this isn't something you expect from people. As Herman Goering put it:
“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
That's the sad truth. Most people are useless tools that have nothing to contribute to humanity and will achieve nothing of value. Their sole purpose in life is to be used and abused by the criminal class. These tools know they were lied to by the Bush admin, yet seems to have no feelings about it. As if they have accepted that their lot in life is to be lied to, used and exploited.
I completely understand your perspective on the matter too. You blindly follow a guy who never went to college and allow him to set your moral and political compass. But hey, he can dribble a ball real good.Well for one, its not only unintelligent to speak on other countries domestic issues when one doesnt have a clue about the nuances of whats impacting said society.
But its never a good idea to point fingers at other societies when your own society/home has issues to sort out.
Hes told to shut "shut up and dribble" when speaking on issues in his own society and he or anyone else should
theyre not going to fully understand? Thats the epitome of ignorance and unfounded arrogance
Agree with him because hes black?
- Well, I totally understand your perspective on the matter now
I completely understand your perspective on the matter too. You blindly follow a guy who never went to college and allow him to set your moral and political compass. But hey, he can dribble a ball real good.
Only one group of people would ever even consider gatekeeping social injustice. Go figure.
Preach broLmao
The paradox here.
When he speaks on real domestic issues and injustices at home hes told to shut up and dribble.
When staying neutral on foreign affairs (that no american should speak on) hes chastised for that. Its almost as if, they just hate him.
The absurd hypocrisy
Lebron sure is willing to Shut Up and Dribble when it come
Yes.I. was. joking. Maybe next time I will ...........nahhhhhhColby would have never called out you not realize that lol?
What are you babbling about ambassador?
Zee one who behhnds zee stigh-eughllswho is sb?
Colby leaves that glass jaw in a pool of blood like Ibaka's jab did
Worth a shot for ole gimmick-man. He treats fans kindly by day, Talks nonsense in the media by night. Fights smart and has a unique skillset and game-plan and has executed it well.Chael went after LeBron and got no response from LeBron or real media coverage. And that was at a time when it was much more fashionable to shit on LeBron recent.
This isn't going to do anything for Colby.
You speak about hypocrisy, yet fail to recognize Lebron being a hypocrite, lol. And talk about extrapolating fantasies: now you know the impetus of my contempt? Yeah, I'm sure you know all about me.Incorrect
You've extrapolated fantasies that dont pertain to me nor the topic.
I know little to nothing about Lebron less use him as a beacon for any moral or political guidance.
Its weird you even manufactured such a weird, bizzare narrative.
I can and only spoke on the hypocrisy of condemning a man for speaking on domestic issues and then condemn him for not speaking ignorantly another countries issues, thats it, period.
Which would apply to any individual who endured the same hypocrital condemnation anywhere on earth.
You've made the impetus of your contempt crystal clear.
Colby subs MJ with the quickness but MJ was a global icon. It wouldn't be wise for Colby to interrupt MJ during a high stakes gambling binge. He would simply be outnumbered and random people wpould jump to stomp Colby outColby would have never called out you not realize that lol?
Algerians aren't to be fucked with. Still Cov subs Zidane effortlessly in the octagon.I would like to see Zidane headbutt Colby.
I heard his actual persona is even worse. I'd probably get so mad I smash something over his head.Colby is playing a character but lebald has done more for the country and people than the average veteran.
Colby is well trained in pretending to be a Magatard, nicely done attacking prominent black athletes.