Coach yelling instruction while rolling , a benefit or not to you?


Blue Belt
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
I noticed when ppl try to give me advice while I roll it makes me perform worst. I try to listen to what they say but then it makes me lose focus. It also tires me out because I forget about pacing myself. How about you, helps or no help?
yelling at me as to how/what i should be defending ok i like it. yelling at me as to how/what im attacking no please dont
it helps, but it is frustrating when you cant get what he is telling you to work
guardpasser I agree. It is very frusterating when you can't do it well when somebody is there trying to help you. I sometimes feel embarassed when that happens.
it will help you learn so yes you do need instruction while rolling sometimes and sometimes you should go with no instruction because someone whos watching you can see flaws that you can't so they can really help you fix your mistakes
It takes sometime to get used to. When you have a good coach or a good corner in your fight you will definitely benefit from it. They can see things from an angle that you can't see it from. Eventually you'll get used to it and you'll only hear their voice and your own.
most of the time in thinking myself and in 'the zone' so to speak,and after they say the same thing 3 times i realsie there talking to me,this is only in class though,when heaps of people are rolling.
in tournament i seem to notice there voice alot more.
You have to learn to listen with half an ear.

Sometimes the coach can see stuff that is not readily apparent, however they are also not the one fighting - so sometimes you have to decide to use what they say or not because you're the one "feeling" the opponent move.

You also have to make sure you have a coach who knows their stuff & who you trust. Listening to some nob from your club screeching bad advice because they "think" they know their stuff is a bad idea.
Killa_Cs said:
yelling at me as to how/what i should be defending ok i like it. yelling at me as to how/what im attacking no please dont
Quoted for truth

If I'm not trying a simple attack it's because I think the timing isn't quite right or I'm trying to do it with a little stealth. If I'm not going for a complicated attack yelling from the side probably isn't going to help.
I have been learning Port and some instructors will yell at me in their tongue. Half the time I forget the word or fuck words up. Funny to say the least.

It definitely helps once you acquire the ears. They can see things you cannot. But then again, they may not have the info you are privy to while in the fight.
They have a better view of the game and your opponents weak spots. Only guy who i listen to is instructor. He has more experience.. To think you rbetter then what he is saying is stupid.

If i had a second set of eyes floating around the room able to see what i couldnt from where i was..... i would be telling my self the same things he is.
yeah i hate that. my instructor used to yell the names of sweep series he taught me and expect me to force them out like magic. "anchor series! anchor series!"
i prefer encouragement more than specific instruction most of the time...
Instruction took me awhile to get used to, but it has been a HUGE help. More than anything else I think you need a good instructor who knows YOUR game. First off, so your not completely lost in what he is saying & his instructions are moves that come natural to you. Second, so that your instructor knows that you are setting up a move or about to go for a move & won't yell it out & will tip off your opponent so he defends it.
MaxDemian said:
Instruction took me awhile to get used to, but it has been a HUGE help. More than anything else I think you need a good instructor who knows YOUR game. First off, so your not completely lost in what he is saying & his instructions are moves that come natural to you. Second, so that your instructor knows that you are setting up a move or about to go for a move & won't yell it out & will tip off your opponent so he defends it.

Yeah in a tournament match once my opponent left himself a bit open for a triangle while trying to pass my guard. I wasn't sure whether or not to go for it because it didn't feel quite right.

Then his coach and teammates start screaming, "You're open for the triangle! He's gonna triangle you! Watch out for the triangle!"

Both him and I just looked at each other. It was one of those "Are you gonna do the triangle now since it's so obvious?" looks. Anyway I decided not to do the triangle, and he won eventually.

Afterwards I wondered if it would have been different if everyone hadn't screamed for the triangle. Just something this thread made me think of.
Sometimes it fustrates me but in my last competition i was stuck in a good kneebar about to tap when my coach yelled "KICK HIM IN THE ASS" well it worked still lost the match but on points so thats not so bad!
id like to hear advice about defensive stuff but i would be pretty pissed if i was setting up an armbar all sneeky and shit and someone from my club goes, "go for the armbar!" and then the guy realizes and starts defending, lol
Killa_Cs said:
yelling at me as to how/what i should be defending ok i like it. yelling at me as to how/what im attacking no please dont

Pretty much same thought here.