Elections CNN Trump Townhall

I'll tell you what.... there's 2 million in it for her if she says he did.

I fully expect this lady to break out into song at any moment.
This document thing is a Flex... No way he read one paper he had.
no joke, i love watching his rallies. I have said this on here too, that he has held so many rallies over the last couple years that he has every talking point mastered and is talking to her like a child. He is so well prepared and has everything, policy wise prepared. He is in a mode way beyond 2016, and wants all these people to pay for their lies and DESTROYING AMERICA.

God bless Trump

There was this rally in Arizona, right after Pence declared he wouldn't switch votes..and trump made a speech and you could see the pain in his eyes, and in his words.

Not because of his loss but because he knew where the country would be , right where it is..

Right now

...how ever my point is this, after his speech the camera lingered on him as the reporters were talking, and this man, who knows he had an election stolen from him, and he felt the last knife in his back coming from Pence

The camera showed him dancing with the crowd, the people behind him

Imagine any other politican ever doing that

It was then I knew this dude is the truth
Lol @ this news host telling the president what the law is when she isn’t a lawyer and doesn’t have access to the level of information he has.
Softball audience and incompetent moderator, this could have been better.
Trump has balls. Going into enemy Territory for a town hall. Biden won't even debate his own party with the entire DNC and media rigging things for him.

are you kidding me? Biden will RARELY do a press conference with 1-3 questions from people he has a note card of with the journalist, their question, and his answer lol.

min any other situation he just sits there with the weird lest half face stroke shit grin I have ever seen