Elections CNN Trump Townhall

Please oh please stop with this bull s$$t Trump by account of his own closest are turning slowly away from him as they realize his time is up. The townhall only confirmed what they thought all along about his stance on race, Ukraine, the debt, the feeling that he still puts Putin above America and he would not mind making the US weaker, he has profited not lost anything during his time in office even when his own supporters still believe he has dropped everything to help the Country.

Wow, what a great take!
Wow, what a great take!
lmao this guy doesn't understand, with each "stab in the back" another deep state operative exposes themselves. They are out of options , all this is doing is making sure a true MAGA proponent gets an appointment that other wise would have went to a wolf in sheep's clothing
Okay what are some examples of the "lies" he told at the "town hall" ?
I'm not the one who made the claim, you are. You said, "...most of the shit the left calls lies are just things they disagree with."

Take two:
Let's hear some things he said which the left calls lies but are just things they disagree with. Otherwise, that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence and you're left with nothing worth talking about, as I anticipated.
I'm not the one who made the claim, you are. You said, "...most of the shit the left calls lies are just things they disagree with."

Take two:
Let's hear some things he said which the left calls lies but are just things they disagree with. Otherwise, that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence and you're left with nothing worth talking about, as I anticipated.
" I can end the war with Russia and the ukraine"
Libs lies
Reailty opinion
'Trump said he thinks the election was stolen from him "
Libs shriek lie
Reailty opinion
"I had the right as president to take them according to the PRA"
Libs shriek "lie"
Reailty opinion

Sorry bud you can't call diffrent point of views and opposing opinions a lie...

People are allowed to assume correctly, people are allowed to assume falsely, people are allowed to have opinions that prove to be right and people are allowed to have opinions that prove to be wrong, none of that is lying.
" I can end the war with Russia and the ukraine"
Libs lies
Reailty opinion
'Trump said he thinks the election was stolen from him "
Libs shriek lie
Reailty opinion
"I had the right as president to take them according to the PRA"
Libs shriek "lie"
Reailty opinion

Sorry bud you can't call diffrent point of views and opposing opinions a lie...

People are allowed to assume correctly, people are allowed to assume falsely, people are allowed to have opinions that prove to be right and people are allowed to have opinions that prove to be wrong, none of that is lying.
I see that the moderator's history at the "Daily Caller" is having a spotlight beamed on it, where she was paid to basically say the opposite of what she's being paid to say now. Mostly as a FOX News "contributor" on Tucker Carlson and the like, talking about those damn illegal immigrants and such...

Anybody still believing that journalism hasn't been swept up by corporate entities, is fooling themselves.
I see that the moderator's history at the "Daily Caller" is having a spotlight beamed on it, where she was paid to basically say the opposite of what she's being paid to say now. Mostly as a FOX News "contributor" on Tucker Carlson and the like, talking about those damn illegal immigrants and such...

Anybody still believing that journalism hasn't been swept up by corporate entities, is fooling themselves.

Perhaps she is Q? Kaitlin Collins, “Kaitlin”. Could be “Quaitlan”


Make sure to watch these shit shows and post on social media about it. It’s all for ratings. Make sure you give it to them
Hey libs I have free campaign advice...the murder of that Ramsey girl still remains unsolved, are the parents liberal? Do they happen to live-in NYC? They can do their part as good Americans by suing Trump in civil court for the murder of their child.

That way the Libs can call Trump a
Murdering rapist :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile, that cheats on his taxes, starts insurrections, in between weekly flights to Russia, to get his orders from Putin while he visits the brothel to piss on Russian hookers on VHS, while talking to The president of ukraine on the phone, hatching the next plot to frame a politcal opponent, and stuffing his suitcase filled with Hunter Laptops and returning to Maralrgo, to obstruct justice by refusing to hand over nuclear codes to a fed agent without a warrant.

Did you know that trumps grandson lied about building a replica Lego set? He was 8, the box states " made for children 10 and over" and a panel of Lego experts on MSNBC have agreed that he indeed is a lying piece of shit just like Trump
Happy. Others say from our favourite president!

lol cant even say happy mothers day without trying to bait into culture war nonsense

fuck these guys

Lighten up.

Did you say the same for his "Happy 9/11 to all, even the haters and losers!" tweet?
Lighten up.

Did you say the same for his "Happy 9/11 to all, even the haters and losers!" tweet?

lol im literally laughing at how absurd and outrageous it is that hes gotta rant like that at any time to fuel the flames. its hilarious and pathetic

"Happy fathers day to all the fathers out there! except the leftest democrat tratiors raising YOUR CHILDREN to be TRAITORS and STEALING ELECTIONS!"
lol im literally laughing at how absurd and outrageous it is that hes gotta rant like that at any time to fuel the flames. its hilarious and pathetic

"Happy fathers day to all the fathers out there! except the leftest democrat tratiors raising YOUR CHILDREN to be TRAITORS and STEALING ELECTIONS!"
It’s huge mounds of spewed shit that keeps the magats fed. The source of their TDS
Trump said he didn't want anymore ukrainians and russians dead. Orange man bad. He must be stopped at all cost. The war must go on.
Hell stop it in 24 hours.

Why did no one else think of that!
Hey libs I have free campaign advice...the murder of that Ramsey girl still remains unsolved, are the parents liberal? Do they happen to live-in NYC? They can do their part as good Americans by suing Trump in civil court for the murder of their child.

That way the Libs can call Trump a
Murdering rapist :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile, that cheats on his taxes, starts insurrections, in between weekly flights to Russia, to get his orders from Putin while he visits the brothel to piss on Russian hookers on VHS, while talking to The president of ukraine on the phone, hatching the next plot to frame a politcal opponent, and stuffing his suitcase filled with Hunter Laptops and returning to Maralrgo, to obstruct justice by refusing to hand over nuclear codes to a fed agent without a warrant.

Did you know that trumps grandson lied about building a replica Lego set? He was 8, the box states " made for children 10 and over" and a panel of Lego experts on MSNBC have agreed that he indeed is a lying piece of shit just like Trump

Happy. Others say from our favourite president!


you guys aren't even coherent anymore lmao.