Clinton advisers point fingers at Huma Abedin, inner circle for loss

The democrats are gasping for air while sinking in an ocean of their own filth

This is who's been running this country for the last 8 years one pathetic bunch of criminals that put themselves on pedestals and manipulate their weak minded misguided followers down into their pit of hell
They're turning on their own? Hahahaha
If Huma needs someone to console her I volunteer my services.
Highly doubtful.
Not with his baggage, there's no fucking way. I don't imagine, as I said, that anyone would support him.

Then again, we've got President Grab Her By the Pussy incoming, so perhaps people will vote for anyone.
Lets see, words by Trump that "hurts" peoples feelings or an actual criminal scumbag who is a career politician thus "more qualified"?