Christmas Booty!


Needs to eat more
Apr 10, 2002
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you assholes get anything good for christmas? (s&p related of course)

i got:
the science and practice of strength training
a fucking sweet inzer belt. too bad inzer was fucking totally sold out, so ive got to wait 2-3 weeks now. beans.
$200 from my pops, 20 of which im going to use to buy the #2 CoC.
I got mostly Clothes and Gift Certificates but I also got a nice wad of cash which will be burnt at Iron Mind. I will be buying the COC #3 and probably some other toys from them.
I received no money this year, but that's ok. Oddly enough I got shit for the kitchen mostly (cast iron skillet, dutch oven, ice cream maker). of more relevance to the forum, I received "strength training anatomy" by Frederic Delavier. It's kind of a fun book in that the pictures show what muscles are used in each exercise. The illustrations are all of typical men's health type guys, until you look at deadlifts and suddenly there's a superheavyweight PLer pulling on a bar. the pictures aren't photos, they're illustrations that show the muscles, you know, like if stripped the skin off somebody fromt he neck down, drained the blood, then colored the muscles being used in any particular exercise red. kinda like that.
Squat Rack from Ironmind.

Maybe you win for gifts but I have a way better squat rack than you. HA HA. It has racks to spot you too. I'm telling you, you can get awesome deals from gyms that are going out of business. I spent 150 on a full size power rack, Both sides have spotting arms? and a place to rack the weights. Weight holders and a chin up bar the thing is pretty sweet. But yup, so far you've won.
rickdog said:
Maybe you win for gifts but I have a way better squat rack than you. HA HA. It has racks to spot you too. I'm telling you, you can get awesome deals from gyms that are going out of business. I spent 150 on a full size power rack, Both sides have spotting arms? and a place to rack the weights. Weight holders and a chin up bar the thing is pretty sweet. But yup, so far you've won.
I looked at power racks, but i dont have room for one. Plus the one they had at my local fitness store had only a 700 lb limit.
a rolling thunder and "mastery of hand strength"
Urban said:
I received no money this year, but that's ok. Oddly enough I got shit for the kitchen mostly (cast iron skillet, dutch oven, ice cream maker). of more relevance to the forum, I received "strength training anatomy" by Frederic Delavier. It's kind of a fun book in that the pictures show what muscles are used in each exercise. The illustrations are all of typical men's health type guys, until you look at deadlifts and suddenly there's a superheavyweight PLer pulling on a bar. the pictures aren't photos, they're illustrations that show the muscles, you know, like if stripped the skin off somebody fromt he neck down, drained the blood, then colored the muscles being used in any particular exercise red. kinda like that.
I've got that book, kind of amusing to leaf through now and then.

I got a rolling thunder and some cash which will be used to get some books, including mastery of hand strength.
Had to change the post: Order from Sherdog arrived so when I got home from the gym Bas Rutten's MMA workout was waiting for me.

Pisser that today was cardio... lol
I got Hummer Cologne, a versace Wallet, A pair if RARE chrome and gold shox and some chocolate....all from the same girl!
my power rings are on their way, my lifting hooks got put to use today(holy fuck grip makes a difference), in addition to a nice simple timer(which neatly enough has a magnet, and mounts to my power rack).

Sambo Fighter those squat racks are awesome, so much adjustment, strong as fuck. I almost got some, but I needed the spotting of a powerrack, and couldnt affoard the pillars of power as well.
Nothing SP related, but I got prince of persia.

I love it.
Socks, underwear and a free meal. My girlfriend bought me some of that Under Armour shit for when I go running. It actually works pretty good but it looks fucking gay, I mean it leaves NOTHING to the imagination!!!
gruesome said:
my power rings are on their way,

The sudden realization that I might read too many fantasy books hit about the time I pictured you using these power rings to battle evil.

rEmY said:
you assholes get anything good for christmas? (s&p related of course)

i got:
the science and practice of strength training
a fucking sweet inzer belt. too bad inzer was fucking totally sold out, so ive got to wait 2-3 weeks now. beans.
$200 from my pops, 20 of which im going to use to buy the #2 CoC.

okay, so now im pissed of at inzer.

my mom ordered: 13mm single prong black medium belt
i recieved: 13mm lever black x-large belt

thanks, asshats.
I present... Christmas Booty!

I ordered these for books but I haven't got them yet. Hopefully in the next week or so.

Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport by Verkhoshansky
Programming and Organization by Verkhoshansky
A System of Multi Year Training by Medvedyev
Supertraining 2003 6th Edition by Siff