Opinion choosing between harris/dems & trump/gop is like asking if you wanna get poisoned or shot

Again, why this arbitrary line, why not eight weeks before it becomes a fetus?

I don’t expect you to have an answer because I don’t have one either, but this one size fits all stance and catchy slogans like “a woman’s right to choose” is as nonsensical as “believe all women”.

We’re talking about a human life, and even if it’s not a fully formed human life yet, we still all know that’s what it would become. So this whole infantile one size fits all argument of never in any circumstance on one extreme, and whenever the woman feels like on the other is just stupid.

At least you have some rationalization for why you hold your opinion, but most morons weighing in on this topic have never given it two minutes of actual thought, they just say what they think their team should say.
Using the one size fits all argument, in regards to male and female, what are your thoughts on hermaphrodites?
Big difference between being mistaken about a virtually meaningless number that works to make the argument either way, and being a desperate and dishonest hack like you.

Why 15 weeks? Why 14? Why not 4, or 34?? Still waiting for “the science” behind your firm convictions.

Baby has a more viable chance of surviving after 20 or so weeks than it does before that.

4 or 5 weeks is dumb. A ton of women don't even know they are pregnant at 5 weeks lol.

What was I dishonest about? I have pointed out how your arguments were dishonest at multiple times.

First, you said you believed what liberals believed 10 years ago. A page later you bumped it back to 20 years ago.

Then you screeched about a poster talking about fringe cases that Republicans are causing. Pregancies that occur due to rape or late term abortions that happen because of complications. You say those are fringe and we can't talk about them. Yet you will talk about late term abortions during the 7th, 8th, and 9th month like they aren't fringe cases lol. But it's okay for you to do that because you are actually dishonest 🤣

You never addressed Trump's comments claiming that Democrats executed babies after birth I see. But you will say I'm not posting science to support my thoughts on the subject 🤣

I could post study after study about all this stuff and you will just brush it off because your arguments are dishonest. You love to project. A babies chance of survival before 23 weeks is about 5 or 6%. Even then, there is a good chance the baby will barely be functional and will be severely handicapped.

So yea, 20 weeks is a pretty good cut off for me. 23 weeks will never happen with Republicans and take 15 because it's realistic legislatively and a good starting point.

Looking forward to your good faith response.
Using the one size fits all argument, in regards to male and female, what are your thoughts on hermaphrodites?
My thoughts are they exist, as do people with missing limbs, but we're still selling shoes and gloves in pairs... we're not re organizing society and making everyone buy one shoe or glove separately just because some people out there don't have both their feet or hands. All those people understand that they're not the norm but the exception, and in most places they will have to buy a pair of something even if they only need one, because humans in general have two hands and two feet.

Just because a small fraction of a percent has some sort of deformity or defect, doesn't mean we need to restructure the world at the expense of the 99%+. That's not to say that we're not gonna do what we can to help these people, but when a "trans person's" right to play sports comes at the expense of woman having fairness in said sport, then it becomes counter productive and idiotic. When making sure some man who says he's a woman feels safe is coming at the expense of some little girl who walks into a public washroom, then you're trading a made up safety concern for a real safety concern.

And of course let's not detract from the real problem, which is not the odd person who happens to actually be a hermaphrodite, but all the wackos and perverts who will take advantage of these rules and use them for their own sexual fetish at the expense of someone's young daughter or sister. Have you not been paying attention, you don't actually have to be a hermaphrodite, or cut off your dick or anything... all you have to do in order to be a woman is just SAY you're one... you don't even have to put on a dress, nothing, just make the claim and it magically happens. Rapists have gone to female prisons by using this convenient little loophole, it's beyond insane and how anyone can try to argue for it is mindboggling.
Baby has a more viable chance of surviving after 20 or so weeks than it does before that.

4 or 5 weeks is dumb. A ton of women don't even know they are pregnant at 5 weeks lol.

What was I dishonest about? I have pointed out how your arguments were dishonest at multiple times.

First, you said you believed what liberals believed 10 years ago. A page later you bumped it back to 20 years ago.

Then you screeched about a poster talking about fringe cases that Republicans are causing. Pregancies that occur due to rape or late term abortions that happen because of complications. You say those are fringe and we can't talk about them. Yet you will talk about late term abortions during the 7th, 8th, and 9th month like they aren't fringe cases lol. But it's okay for you to do that because you are actually dishonest 🤣

You never addressed Trump's comments claiming that Democrats executed babies after birth I see. But you will say I'm not posting science to support my thoughts on the subject 🤣

I could post study after study about all this stuff and you will just brush it off because your arguments are dishonest. You love to project. A babies chance of survival before 23 weeks is about 5 or 6%. Even then, there is a good chance the baby will barely be functional and will be severely handicapped.

So yea, 20 weeks is a pretty good cut off for me. 23 weeks will never happen with Republicans and take 15 because it's realistic legislatively and a good starting point.

Looking forward to your good faith response.
You're dishonest because you know I was not trying to lie and because you're focusing on a meaningless claim that changes nothing about the actual point I tried to make, as both 10 years ago and 20 years ago the views on certain topics were pretty much the same.

Well you actually gave an answer so I'm gonna ignore your shit slinging and try to have a conversation. I don't actually have an answer for when the cutoff should be but 20 weeks seems too far into the pregnancy and at that point the baby is definitely looking like a human being... yes one that still depends on it's mother to exist, but when you look at that ultrasound you know you are looking at a human life.

Another point, you know that your 20 week preference and definitely your 15 week concession would most certainly get you cancelled by a pretty big faction of your side. There is a good percentage of lefties that would find you appalling and basically dismiss you as far right for even suggesting there should be any limit at all and that "a woman's right to chose" means whenever she feels like it. And before you dismiss this as some radical fringe, show me where these discussions are being had in the mainstream between lefties. Show me some mainstream moderate lefties telling the radical extremists "hey guys I'm on your side, but we can't be killing babies at 8 months, we need to have some reasonable limits". Maybe it's happening but I've never seen it.

And I'm not here to defend Trump, I'm literally posting on this thread because I identify with the title, I think the fact that the two choices are actually Kamala and Trump is absolutely pathetic and I'm not gonna defend either one of them.
Well you actually gave an answer so I'm gonna ignore your shit slinging and try to have a conversation. I don't actually have an answer for when the cutoff should be but 20 weeks seems too far into the pregnancy and at that point the baby is definitely looking like a human being... yes one that still depends on it's mother to exist, but when you look at that ultrasound you know you are looking at a human life.

Another point, you know that your 20 week preference and definitely your 15 week concession would most certainly get you cancelled by a pretty big faction of your side. There is a good percentage of lefties that would find you appalling and basically dismiss you as far right for even suggesting there should be any limit at all and that "a woman's right to chose" means whenever she feels like it. And before you dismiss this as some radical fringe, show me where these discussions are being had in the mainstream between lefties. Show me some mainstream moderate lefties telling the radical extremists "hey guys I'm on your side, but we can't be killing babies at 8 months, we need to have some reasonable limits". Maybe it's happening but I've never seen it.


So let me get this straight, you acted like Billy Bad Ass demanding people post the science for when an abortion cutoff should be...

...only for you to say that you don't actually have answer but 20 weeks is too long because you feel like it looks too much like a baby 🤣🤣🤣

So depending on the situation, you’re FOR removing informed medical consent… why am I not surprised?

Also, your attempts to minimize those affected by Democrats attempts to strip independent medical decision making by mandating an experimental vaccine are disingenuous, at best.

In addition to soldiers, Democrat policies made experimental vaccines mandatory for millions of others, all WITHOUT a testing opt-out.

“A second rule issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires some 17 million health care workers to be vaccinated by the same deadline, Jan. 4, but with no option for weekly testing in lieu of vaccination. The rule covers all employees — clinical and nonclinical — at about 76,000 health care facilities that receive federal funding from Medicare or Medicaid.

Earlier, Biden had ordered federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated, with no testing option. Federal workers have until Nov. 22 to get the shots, while federal contractors have until Jan. 4.“

Care to correct yourself in the face of evidence that millions of non-public sector employees faced the same discrimination? As if being a federal employee makes it right to remove your ability to make informed medical decisions in the first place…

Here you go AGAIN, deflecting to issues I haven’t brought up.

Phitephan: “it’s really shitty that Democrats advocated for removing medical informed consent…”

Islam: “But Republicans want to make it illegal to kill babies in the womb… why are you making a false equivalency?!”


The FDA doesn’t get to determine what is experimental or not just because you’re trying to twist out of an indefensible position… nice try.

I’d say the fact that at multiple vaccines were ultimately removed due to adverse reactions suggests I’m right about these being experimental, but I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to deflect. Not to mention quick waning and the fact that vaccination didn’t prevent catching or spreading COVID.

“AstraZeneca conceded in late April that the vaccine, sold under the name Vaxzevria, can cause fatal blood clots and low platelet counts.“

“Concern has continued to grow over a small, but growing number of cases of a rare, but serious blood clotting disorders associated with the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine.“

Please tell us all again how these weren’t experimental vaccines being mandated.

Regarding the FDA and why they have limited credibility:

“The FDA awards expedited or fast-track approvals for drugs with a promise by the manufacturer that it will conduct further, more rigorous studies. However, by 2018, according to a recent review, companies followed through on only 38 percent (166 of 437) of drugs… Right now, drugs are still being prescribed to patients even though rigorous clinical trials have shown they don’t work. The agency recently allowed four out of six widely used (and heavily advertised) cancer drugs to stay on the market after their follow-up studies failed to show any benefit. Only five of 54 costly, toxic cancer drugs approved by the agency between 2008 and 2012 improved survival rates... Many experts, including multiple FDA insiders, have complained about the progressive decay of scientific standards at the agency. This has only gotten worse since 2016…”

Its possible the vaccine mandate was too onerous and that they should've allowed alternatives like frequent testing or recent COVID diagnosis to indicate natural immunity but I don't care that much either way. It was an unprecedented pandemic and some tough choices were made, a few of which in hindsight may have been wrong or misguided, but certainly I'm going to take anything the mouthbreathing vaccine skeptics say with more than grain of salt.
So we all have to share this narrow-minded view, this from the limited perspective of the loyal DNC sycophants. No room for free thinking independents who find the holier than thou lefties to be just as pompous, arrogant and stupid as the right wing evangelical Christians?

No small understatement to be clear.
What on earth are you going on about? Certainly I don't think of you as some free thinking independent if that's what you're asking.
My thoughts are they exist, as do people with missing limbs, but we're still selling shoes and gloves in pairs... we're not re organizing society and making everyone buy one shoe or glove separately just because some people out there don't have both their feet or hands. All those people understand that they're not the norm but the exception, and in most places they will have to buy a pair of something even if they only need one, because humans in general have two hands and two feet.

Just because a small fraction of a percent has some sort of deformity or defect, doesn't mean we need to restructure the world at the expense of the 99%+. That's not to say that we're not gonna do what we can to help these people, but when a "trans person's" right to play sports comes at the expense of woman having fairness in said sport, then it becomes counter productive and idiotic. When making sure some man who says he's a woman feels safe is coming at the expense of some little girl who walks into a public washroom, then you're trading a made up safety concern for a real safety concern.

And of course let's not detract from the real problem, which is not the odd person who happens to actually be a hermaphrodite, but all the wackos and perverts who will take advantage of these rules and use them for their own sexual fetish at the expense of someone's young daughter or sister. Have you not been paying attention, you don't actually have to be a hermaphrodite, or cut off your dick or anything... all you have to do in order to be a woman is just SAY you're one... you don't even have to put on a dress, nothing, just make the claim and it magically happens. Rapists have gone to female prisons by using this convenient little loophole, it's beyond insane and how anyone can try to argue for it is mindboggling.

100% - The Democrats want to govern by the extreme outliers like transpeople in order to exert power an control. The Left are not helping anyone except the weirdos that abuse the clown world system they set up.
What on earth are you going on about? Certainly I don't think of you as some free thinking independent if that's what you're asking.
lol No speaky english Islam? Certainly you know by now that I value your opinion as much as I value my morning toilet deposits.

Non reply-reply, about what I expected from you.
Uh okay but then why even quote me then? Why not just piss off?
lol because your limp wristed attempt to defend the left wings majority position on vaccine mandates is pig-headed and insulting especially to those who aren't on the right.

It's not my problem you have a guilty conscience and can't take other posters at face value.

I'm sorry to disturb you darling. I'll leave you alone.
lol because your limp wristed attempt to defend the left wings majority position on vaccine mandates is pig-headed and insulting especially to those who aren't on the right.

It's not my problem you have a guilty conscience and can't take other posters at face value.

I'm sorry to disturb you darling. I'll leave you alone.
You're still claiming to be a centrist? That's a good one.

If anything I'm much more of a centrist than any of you but there's neither here nor there.
My thoughts are they exist, as do people with missing limbs, but we're still selling shoes and gloves in pairs... we're not re organizing society and making everyone buy one shoe or glove separately just because some people out there don't have both their feet or hands. All those people understand that they're not the norm but the exception, and in most places they will have to buy a pair of something even if they only need one, because humans in general have two hands and two feet.

When making sure some man who says he's a woman feels safe is coming at the expense of some little girl who walks into a public washroom, then you're trading a made up safety concern for a real safety concern.

The bathroom thing has to be one of the most brain dead talking points I've ever heard.
I'm going to rape a little girl but oh no, the little man on the door the door has a dress, guess no raping today!
You're still claiming to be a centrist? That's a good one.
It's not my problem you have a guilty conscience and can't take other posters at face value.
Certainly you know by now that I value your opinion as much as I value my morning toilet deposits.

If anything I'm much more of a centrist than any of you but there's neither here nor there.
I couldn't care less what you think you are, no offense. Keep it real bro.
I couldn't care less what you think you are, no offense. Keep it real bro.
Trump and Harris are a turd sandwich and a giant douche.

I wonder if swing state voters have an alternative.

The bathroom thing has to be one of the most brain dead talking points I've ever heard.
I'm going to rape a little girl but oh no, the little man on the door the door has a dress, guess no raping today!
Only because you’re too dense to comprehend that HE shouldn’t be in there whether he’s raping her or not, and the fact that he’s being told he should be in there if that’s how he “feels” most definitely increases the chances that he ends up doing something.
Only because you’re too dense to comprehend that HE shouldn’t be in there whether he’s raping her or not, and the fact that he’s being told he should be in there if that’s how he “feels” most definitely increases the chances that he ends up doing something.

Have you thought about this for ONE second?