Choked out!


Aug 30, 2005
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It is mandatory at my school to get choked out (really out) at least once to let you know what it is like. I decided to get mine out of the way. We would sit facing the instructor. The person behind me applied an RNC(blood choke style, not the Dan Severn), I took some breaths and let him know I was ready. I was out within 5 seconds. It was video taped, so I saw myself. My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I twitched and bucked for about 2-3 seconds.

I was out around 3-5 seconds, but it felt like days. I woke up and didn't know where I was at first, then all of the sudden, I came out of the "fog" and went and sat down. It is a really strange experience.
Maybe I'm just a wuss but that sounds like a really bad idea, I cant imagine going to an MT class where the instructor knocks you out to show you what its like. Apart form anything else I can't really see the point.
sometimes can happen in training while you're escaping from a triangle or rnc but why in your gym you guys choke yourselves out? it's stupid.
it's like if in muay thai class you knock each other out just to "know what is like"..
can happen in sparring, but not intentionally.
SmashiusClay we posted almost the same post...muay thai exemple works grat :D
theitalian said:
SmashiusClay we posted almost the same post...muay thai exemple works grat :D
Cool. I guess great minds think alike.
I guess it is more of a rite of passage than a practical thing. Even so, it puts it in to perspective why you tap to a choke and how devistating it can be. It is perfectly safe, and was supervised by people with medical training.
b0b said:
I guess it is more of a rite of passage than a practical thing. Even so, it puts it in to perspective why you tap to a choke and how devistating it can be. It is perfectly safe, and was supervised by people with medical training.
I have a real problem with the idea of letting someone shut down the blood flow to my brain, even if it is under medical supervision. It surely can't be good for you, plus if you dont get the whole "tap to chokes or they can kill you" thing I guess shutting down the blood flow to your brain wont do much.
b0b said:
It is mandatory at my school to get choked out (really out) at least once to let you know what it is like. I decided to get mine out of the way. We would sit facing the instructor. The person behind me applied an RNC(blood choke style, not the Dan Severn), I took some breaths and let him know I was ready. I was out within 5 seconds. It was video taped, so I saw myself. My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I twitched and bucked for about 2-3 seconds.

I was out around 3-5 seconds, but it felt like days. I woke up and didn't know where I was at first, then all of the sudden, I came out of the "fog" and went and sat down. It is a really strange experience.

Cool. Getting choked out will happen to all of us at least once during training, so it's not a bad idea to get used to the feeling before you use it in practice. I don't know if I'd go as far as complete unconciousness though.
I dont think thats a good idea....if it happens it happens but i dont think voluntarily getting choked out is the best idea...just my opinion tho
Fuck that. I'm suprised your school does that. Not to insult your school, I'm just suprised. I would of thought the feeling of going under shows you should tap rather than someone purposefully putting you out.
thats not a good idea at all there're people with medical conditions they might not know about that could die/get serious injury from that and if the instructor supervised this exercise he'd be bound to get sued if anything happened
Wow, thats a pretty bad idea. I'd rather never be choked out than just sit there and see what it feels like. I've never been choked out, because i tag or escape. Theres really no need for this. As far as a rite of pasage, go win a tournament or whoop on some of the higher belt guys, this just seems a bit insane to me. Like the guys that train MT said, i'm not gana stand there and let someone KO me, so why let them choke you ?
alexgncw said:
thats not a good idea at all there're people with medical conditions they might not know about that could die/get serious injury from that and if the instructor supervised this exercise he'd be bound to get sued if anything happened

b0b said:
It is mandatory at my school to get choked out (really out) at least once to let you know what it is like. I decided to get mine out of the way. We would sit facing the instructor. The person behind me applied an RNC(blood choke style, not the Dan Severn), I took some breaths and let him know I was ready. I was out within 5 seconds. It was video taped, so I saw myself. My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I twitched and bucked for about 2-3 seconds.

I was out around 3-5 seconds, but it felt like days. I woke up and didn't know where I was at first, then all of the sudden, I came out of the "fog" and went and sat down. It is a really strange experience.
Where do you train?
b0b said:
It is mandatory at my school to get choked out (really out) at least once to let you know what it is like. I decided to get mine out of the way. We would sit facing the instructor. The person behind me applied an RNC(blood choke style, not the Dan Severn), I took some breaths and let him know I was ready. I was out within 5 seconds. It was video taped, so I saw myself. My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I twitched and bucked for about 2-3 seconds.

I was out around 3-5 seconds, but it felt like days. I woke up and didn't know where I was at first, then all of the sudden, I came out of the "fog" and went and sat down. It is a really strange experience.

Welcome to the club bOb. Did you have a nasty headache afterwards? I did. I kept getting caught in a triangle and finally my training partner said, "you're goin out". I woke up feeling like my head was several sizes too big.
You're gonna get choked out anyways. May as well know what it feels like. If this is dangerous, then what are you doing in a BJJ class where its gonna happen eventually regardless? The comparison to a knockout is silly seeing as a KO does actual damage to your brain and it DOESNT happen to you in practice.
When I first started rolling i got choked completly out at least 3 times cause I was too dumb to tap and kept trying to escape after someone had a RNC sunk in tight..Now I just tap and move along..learn from the experience
Os3y3ris said:
You're gonna get choked out anyways. May as well know what it feels like. If this is dangerous, then what are you doing in a BJJ class where its gonna happen eventually regardless? The comparison to a knockout is silly seeing as a KO does actual damage to your brain and it DOESNT happen to you in practice.
I've never been choked out and yet have been knocked out when grappling, knee to the head from someone trying to pass my guard. Also getting choked out is caused by the deprivation of blood to the brain, if this does'nt cause a lttle damage then I'm frankly very suprised.

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