That was pretty cool, but that hustler seemed to do ok.
If he recognized the name at the end, you'd think he would have recognized the face off the bat.
Who else was in the chess club?
Not me but this video did teach me something new. Never seen anyone use that Pawn takes Pawn en passant thing but after looking it up, that is a real move and I kinda surprised the old guy knew about that shit and didnt even question it.
Is that a common move between high skilled players
Not me but this video did teach me something new. Never seen anyone use that Pawn takes Pawn en passant thing but after looking it up, that is a real move and I kinda surprised the old guy knew about that shit and didnt even question it.
Is that a common move between high skilled players
Pretty cool vid. That old man getting caught trying to cheat was hilarious. I wonder what percentage of his games he's used to winning.
Maurice seems like a cool cat.
I like how he touch Maurice pawn to try and rattle him and Maurice just played it cool. Like what you touch, you touch my piece.