Check out this SicK sweep...


Blue Belt
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score


also i just saw this for the first time it made me fucking laugh my ass off..

holy shit I wonder what happened to the truck wheel guy.
That is just hilarious. LMFAO!!!!!!
If that midget thing is real thats awesome!!

Could you imagine pumping gas and getting decked by a 400lb Truck tire traveling as 40MPH's? OUCH!!
saw that in wasteland yesterday and i couldn't stop laughing....same effect today
lol, did the guy get flattened out like a pancake or what.
lol, did the guy get flattened out like a pancake or what.
what is the name of that throw? i have done it a few times with the GI on. if any judo players know, please let me know! i use the Gi as grip and use one foot on the hip to go straight over and back.
what is the name of that throw? i have done it a few times with the GI on. if any judo players know, please let me know! i use the Gi as grip and use one foot on the hip to go straight over and back.

Dunno, but that throw sucks. Any wrestler will react and heavy down immediately.
i have hit it in a tourney and at practice, it works if you set it up correctly.
i can't tell id the midget does the face slide on purpose or not. the way he puts his hands down makes me think it's a stunt(albeit a crazy face pummeling stunt, but a stunt none the less.) plus the slickness of the ring makes me assume that also. then again maybe cleaning boats all day has made me stupid and it's so obvious that it doesn't need to be commented on.

more info needs to be sought out on truck tire guy.
what is the name of that throw? i have done it a few times with the GI on. if any judo players know, please let me know! i use the Gi as grip and use one foot on the hip to go straight over and back.
This throw was tomoe-nage (foot on hip), not to be confused with sumi-gaeshi (foot on inside of thigh)
i have hit it in a tourney and at practice, it works if you set it up correctly.

Throw is awful vs wrestlers, being a former one myself I know this. Almost any takedowns work vs people with no wrestling/judo background, it doesn't mean its a good throw. Awful AWFUL THROW!
thats my favorite takedown, along with any other takedown that allows you to make a midgets face slide 8 feet across the floor,