cheat DAY (not meal)


Feb 19, 2008
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I fell off the wagon today and had a cheat DAY rather than a cheat meal. I feel like crap. How much damage does it do when you go wild, eating about 170% of your average daily calories in a single day? :icon_cry2
So you ate twice as much, not a big deal if it's an isolated occurance. Do some extra work in the gym to make up for it and try and keep that kind of thing from happening again. Often times a cheat day turns into 2, then 3 and eventually you just become fat and lazy. You realized you goofed. Learn from the mistake and move on. No need to beat yourself up about it.
You and me both man. Got up late, and threw my whole routine off. After two weeks of hard dieting, I ended up eating anything and everything.

Just hit the gym hard tomorrow, and remind yourself what your goals are.
at least u didnt double ur avg daily calories in one meal haha.

i went to golden corral after a grappling tourney and went crazy
I had 3 Hersey Kisses last night during the UFC event.. :(
i ate tonsss of sushi last night......and its my cheat night......maybe not such a horrible cheat, but def alot of calories...
It would probably give you the hersheys squirts also if you took in too many calories. Its probably just your body filtering all the extra calories you took in. Thats why you feel bad. Your body can only absorb so many of the calories in one day, not all of them. Fat is stored over an excess of days. But not one day.
There is a reason some people lose sanity on diets. First is variety, second is thinking they have to be perfect. Unless my client is making weight for a fight they have one cheat DAY a week. Four weeks out its one afternoon a week etc etc. That being said if you are doing everything right etc, a Refeading of sorts is extremely beneficial, more so than harmful
There is a reason some people lose sanity on diets. First is variety, second is thinking they have to be perfect. Unless my client is making weight for a fight they have one cheat DAY a week. Four weeks out its one afternoon a week etc etc. That being said if you are doing everything right etc, a Refeading of sorts is extremely beneficial, more so than harmful
I've known of guys taking a day or two during a training cycle(Usually an off day) and and eating calorie dense foods and sleep alot. They say the feel better coming off the downtime, but they do limit it to once during a training camp.