chaining submissions


Silver Belt
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
Do alot of you guys chain together submission attempts, or is it a matter of attempting one, repositioning and then attempting another. I don't know too much on the subject of chaining submissions, if someone could explain it and give me example of fighters who do it/use it; i have been told that jeremy horn does it. But being tht he is mostly a bjj guy and i was told most bjj guys don't do that is it possible.
thanks for the info
I chain I like the Kimura from 69 to Armbar or Triangle-Armbar-omoplata
i chain the guillotine to kimura to sweep (basic combo from bottom guard).
flyingknee16 said:
i chain the guillotine to kimura to sweep (basic combo from bottom guard).

Ditto. I also use key lock to arm bar.
Those are some of my favorites too guys! I also have to say I like the straight armbar to short arm scissors, omoplata toe hold combo from upside down armbar position, mounted arm triangle choke to rear naked choke, keylock attempt from mount to straight armbar on the other arm, and straight armbar attempt into the triangle choke to break the grip.

There are so many others but the above are my favs.
armbar, omoplata, triangle (guard)

kimura, armbar (in top)

fake kimura for heel hook (top of half guard)

armbar, wrist lock (cow how)
Side mount: keylock or kimura to straight armlock or armbar.
Kimura sweep to full mount whilst keeping the Kimura, I place my leg under the head and roll into the Kimura again and finish with omoplata.
toe lock, toe heel, to toe hold is a favorite of mine.
triangle choke into toehold (from bottom guard)

many times the toehold will get them since they are busy trying to defend the triangle. be careful about your teeth getting knocked out by their feet, though.
flyingknee16 said:
i chain the guillotine to kimura to sweep (basic combo from bottom guard).

I do the same. Also, from the mount if I go for an armbar and the guy sits up before I can lock it I often attack with a triangle. In the transition of him sitting up I shoot a leg through and bring him down into me and lock it up, Ive become pretty good at it. Also, if I go for a triangle from mount and the guy rolls me, no big deal, I just keep it and lock it up tight in the transition before they even have a chance to do anything.
CoutureFan16 said:
I do the same. Also, from the mount if I go for an armbar and the guy sits up before I can lock it I often attack with a triangle. In the transition of him sitting up I shoot a leg through and bring him down into me and lock it up, Ive become pretty good at it. Also, if I go for a triangle from mount and the guy rolls me, no big deal, I just keep it and lock it up tight in the transition before they even have a chance to do anything.

yeah dude, i do the same combos too. great grapplers think alike. :-D
Guard - Armbar, switch arms, omaplata, toe hold.
Back (with Gi) - Clock choke, Armbar
Those are some great lists. As far as the original question chaining is just a matter of flowing from one sub to another if the one doesn't work. This works best when the position of the attack is similar to the position used to attack another technique, or where the defense to a technique puts the opponent in position for the next attack in the chain.
One of my faves, From the mount regular collar choke, guy defends, arm bar, guy defends, triangle, guy defends, back to armbar, guy defends, never stops