Media Cerrone’s Greatest Comeback

Being bald or not is a choice at this point for guys who can afford it.
It's not the same quality unless you got lucky genetics. Natural full looks best. But it beats being bald by a mile if you don't got the headshape to look fine bald. My head is big it looks weird on me.

The thicker your hair naturaly the better results, if it's just reciding. Mine is thining and I got the white hair genetics of fine hair aka thin winter hair. My results are solid, great compared to what it was. But 6-7/10 will have better results. Cause mine is thin and fell out everywhere.
He looks old and shouldn't be fighting in the UFC. Also getting hair transplants and not accepting fate/getting old is soft.
Sad to see a former top 5 best fighter in the world being so insecure about himself, between the TRT, the hair transplant and the unnecessary comeback at 41 yo.

The fact that he is married with three kids makes it even sadder. lol (the hair esp)
I have too much hair and will probably go to my grave with it.
Fine hairdressers thin it out until they can make something out of it.
Are there any hair thinning surgery?
Maybe a bald person could team up with me and just get things normal instead.
Wtf Donald did it without anestesia dude is craaaazy. I did it with and it was unpleasant. I took likd 10 anestesia iniections cause it wore of.

not really surprised since he takes kicks to the shin for a living.
Even after seeing how world class the facilities were (his own words) he refused anaesthetic because he thought they would steal his organs...

This video has made me think a lot less of Mr Cerrone
I don't think Cerrone has ever been accused of being an intelligent man.