Opinion cellphone whatsapp restrictions - Whats up ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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So what is this supposed to mean ,

The popular messaging platform has gone beyond simply disabling the option to save or download profile pictures; it now prevents users from taking screenshots within the app.
Whats the logic here , please explain.
Snapchat copycats...
So what is this supposed to mean ,

The popular messaging platform has gone beyond simply disabling the option to save or download profile pictures; it now prevents users from taking screenshots within the app.
Whats the logic here , please explain.
Keeps private conversations private and people from sharing shit they shouldn't
So what is this supposed to mean ,

The popular messaging platform has gone beyond simply disabling the option to save or download profile pictures; it now prevents users from taking screenshots within the app.
Whats the logic here , please explain.

You'll now have to take a photo of the chat using a secondary phone.
its sad how 3rd parties like whatsapp are able to root your own mobile phone, without your permission, legally.
How much do you pay for these free services no one has demanded you sign up for?
I have paid for a mobile phone and these services disable the functionality of my phone without asking the owner's permission and yes that is me.

I don't think it's fair, that mobile apps are allowed to take control like that, and at the end of the day, that's what matters, because what's the point of doing something like that?

Will this prevent users from downloading images or taking screenshots either by overriding whatapp settings or just by taking another phone and taking a pic : ) ? What did they achieve by forcibly implementing such an invasive method of controlling other people's property?

Imagine being called by someone you don't know, pretending to be a person X . You want to check that picture on the internet, if it pops up somewhere on the internet in relation to the name of the person who called you/texted you , and you can't do it as easily as you would with the options on your phone meant for such occasions, but no, you have to use some backdoor solutions on your own device where you want to check the validity of the person who sent you a message intended for you.

There are so many things cleverly hidden in this operating model that it is unbelievable, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
I'll be perfectly honest here. The only time I've ever screenshotted a photo on WhatsApp is because I've wanted a cheeky wank. There, I've said it. So in that respect I can't complain about this new feature because its preventing deviant behaviour haha.
I have paid for a mobile phone and these services disable the functionality of my phone without asking the owner's permission and yes that is me.

I don't think it's fair, that mobile apps are allowed to take control like that, and at the end of the day, that's what matters, because what's the point of doing something like that?

Will this prevent users from downloading images or taking screenshots either by overriding whatapp settings or just by taking another phone and taking a pic : ) ? What did they achieve by forcibly implementing such an invasive method of controlling other people's property?

Imagine being called by someone you don't know, pretending to be a person X . You want to check that picture on the internet, if it pops up somewhere on the internet in relation to the name of the person who called you/texted you , and you can't do it as easily as you would with the options on your phone meant for such occasions, but no, you have to use some backdoor solutions on your own device where you want to check the validity of the person who sent you a message intended for you.

There are so many things cleverly hidden in this operating model that it is unbelievable, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
No one put a gun to our head and made us sign up for WhatsApp, Twitter, Sherdog, Facebook. Paying your network provider for network service has fuck all to do with these free services. My favourite is people whining about the lack of security with Facebook. Well no shit.
No one put a gun to our head and made us sign up for WhatsApp, Twitter, Sherdog, Facebook. Paying your network provider for network service has fuck all to do with these free services. My favourite is people whining about the lack of security with Facebook. Well no shit.

Stop talking sense!!!!!
So what is this supposed to mean ,

The popular messaging platform has gone beyond simply disabling the option to save or download profile pictures; it now prevents users from taking screenshots within the app.
Whats the logic here , please explain.

You can take snapshots of ordinary conversations. You can't take snapshots of one-time open only video or photo messages.
no matter what they do, certain apps can override and take pics they aren't supposed to without alerting the other party. Dozens of girls who got their wins posted will tell you the same lol.
its sad how 3rd parties like whatsapp are able to root your own mobile phone, without your permission, legally.
I haven't even looked into this, and I can guarantee you Whatsapp isn't "rooting" your phone. They're doing the same thing every other app in existence is doing: asking you for your permission to access and control other apps and information on your phone. Fucking flashlight apps do this, and people let them.

All those "free" apps...they record your contacts, your message habits, your location history, all of it. All Snapchat and Whatsapp are trying to do is to keep you from using other apps or even your phone's OS-level features that enable you to take a screenshot within their app when their own app doesn't allow you to do that. So the app asks for your permission to access the necessary software, and alter it. You say yes, you allow it, because you want to have Whatsapp. That's the deal.

I haven't even looked into this, and I can guarantee you Whatsapp isn't "rooting" your phone. They're doing the same thing every other app in existence is doing: asking you for your permissino to access and control other apps and information on your phone. Fucking flashlight apps do this, and people let them.

All those "free" apps...they record your contacts, your message habits, your location history, all of it. All Snapchat and Whatsapp are trying to do is to keep you from using other apps or even your phone's OS-level features that enable you to take a screenshot within their app when your own app doesn't allow you to do that. So the app asks for your permission to access the necessary software, and alter it. You say yes, you allow it, because you want to have Whatsapp. That's the deal.

Why don't people understand very basic facts like this?