Celebrities that are on the juice even though they deny it?

Sakuraba is #1

Green Belt
May 23, 2007
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I can think of a few: The Rock, Marky Mark and Zac Efron. There’s no way in hell these guys aren’t on roids. They all claim to be 100% natural which is funny.
I agree on all three of those. I can’t think of any others. Is Brock Lesnar a celebrity?
Literally too many to list dude lol

Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, etc, etc, etc...

They have all the money to get experts to plan out safe cycles. And its not like they will ever, ever, ever be drug tested lol. They dont even have to risk getting caught and just have their gear delivered right to their house. When millions of dollars worth of movie roles is on the line, not to mention their public image, obviously they are going to juice up. Why make it unnecessarily/impossible doing it natty?

I have a nerdy manlet friend that isn't convinced Dwane Johnson is on gear. Hes one of those "dedication, good diet, and years of lifting is all" idiots
Just about any of these dudes who went from vegan skinny to shredded for a role.

I've read Dicaprio cycled early in his career to get in shape.
The same reason the girls get things like ass implants

They're rightfully embarrassed, and their lawyer can take your lawyer.
Literally too many to list dude lol

Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, etc, etc, etc...

I have a nerdy manlet friend that isn't convinced Dwane Johnson is on gear. Hes one of those "dedication, good diet, and years of lifting is all" idiots


The rock had to get breast reduction surgery because he was growing bitch tits <Lmaoo>

I know man. I literally facepalmed and said you're fucking with me right? After I facepalmed and laughed for a few minutes I strongly assured him the rock has used some juicy juice. He responded with "ehhh, maybe..."

I had to change the subject immediately. Couldn't handle it lol
Any actor that needs to be buff is an idiot if he isn't on roids.
It's actually something that is pushed in the industry.

These people who deny it, like The Rock and Wahlberg live in their own fantasy world that they are billy bad asses and they want the public to believe this. They're fake as most tits in Hollywood.

As actors are becoming increasingly buff for their roles, more and more are fielding questions about PED use during junkets. On the press tour for Paramount's Pain & Gain, pumped stars Mark Wahlberg, 42, and Dwayne Johnson, 41, insisted that they trained without PEDs. "I went from 165 to 212 [pounds]," Wahlberg told THR at the film's premiere. "It was a lot of work and a lot of eating, but that's what the part required, so that's what I had to do."

USC professor and steroid expert Todd Schroeder says the human body can indeed accomplish some phenomenal results naturally, particularly in one's 20s, when natural testosterone production peaks. But for older actors, especially when they nab a role and are expected to get a ripped body quickly, the temptation to use may be too great. "If someone says, 'Hey, add [PEDs] to this workout,' you can get substantial changes very quickly," says Schroeder.

Any actor that needs to be buff is an idiot if he isn't on roids.

Yeah I'd do the same shit. Hell I've messed with and cycled SARMs which are super light in comparison and they fucking added muscle density to me and are completely legal.
This dude immediately comes to mind.
I can think of a few: The Rock, Marky Mark and Zac Efron. There’s no way in hell these guys aren’t on roids. They all claim to be 100% natural which is funny.

Hold up so these guys are not natural and on the juice, someone told me they are buff and shredded because they can afford the best personal trainers, nutritionists



Nearly all action stars, anybody who has to suddenly get jacked for a movie. Edward Norton for American History X, Brad Pitt was 40 in Troy and just threw on 15-20 lbs of completely lean muscle, Gerard Butler for 500's obvious, Jake Gylenhaal, Christian Bale put on like 80 lbs in a year, the dude who plays superman put on 30 lbs pretty quick. It's not like they have USADA on movie sets and they make millions to get in shape quickly.

They deny it for the same reason they all deny plastic surgery and hair transplants. The whole place is fake. Matthew McConoughy is actually sleazy as shit for profiting from lying about his sudden hair growth and became a spokesperson for some hair growth shampoo and they used his before and after photos to sell it. Kim Kardashian doesn't admit to an ass implant. Bitch, we all saw your porn tape and the undoctored current photos that look like a dirty diaper.
Mr. Incredible

I don’t think Efron is and I don’t think think Reynolds is.
These guys are the few celebs who are all Natural not on any steroids or juice

The late Charles Bronson a true mesomorph he was around 5 foot 8 and weighed around 165 pounds but was always lean and muscular he took care of himself and had great genetics
in his 30s

Old school Charles Bronson he grew up doing manual labor and coal mining for years and this is him in his 40s

in his early 50s

Ryan Reynolds 6 foot 2 tall and 175 pounds of lean muscle but when he bulks up he gets up to 190 with low bodyfat. he is all natural and he said he doesn't really eat many carbs when he gets ready for a action role he said he used to just take Creatine and whey shakes when he bulks up like this


This is how he usually looks when not bulking and lean he just has freak genetics

Joe Mangello dudes all natural as well, just really lean and is a health and fitness nut, he is like 6 foot 5 and 232 pounds.

If you don't believe his stats here he is with 5 foot 8 founder of Celebheights, the guy is a massive dude and has the looks and physique all natural genetics dude is blessed
Mr. Incredible

I don’t think Efron is and I don’t think think Reynolds is.

Zac Efron jaw got muscular reminds me of that TRT vitor
Hell yes they do PED's. Even that fucked Lance Armstrong was on PED's he didn't look like it.. There is something for all these guys with the money they have. Their Agents just link them up with local HGH ageless clinics... It's a scam like writing RX pills.

Hugh Jackman, in 'The Wolverine,' which was filmed in 2012, when he was 44 years old.

No one gets THAT jacked at THAT age off of exercise and good nutrition.