I think there could be a lot of misunderstandings. If some of the conspiracy theories I've heard are real I think more than likely it has something to do with Aliens or/and interdimensional entities than actual heaven and hell. God and the devil.
These entities are probably connected to certain people in power. I've always been interested in the theory about Aliens arriving on this planet (or were already here) and manipulating the DNA of our ape ancestors which created modern humans and have been slowly advancing us whilst controlling us from the shadows. Its also interesting how many ideas and inventions come to people during dreams. Like as if they can put ideas in peoples heads. For example Einstein's theory of relativity came to him in a dream and I've heard many others make similar claims.
I feel like there's a big connection that starts from somewhere around Ancient Egypt/Babylon/Sumeria and then the Ancient Egyptian empire started to decline followed by the Roman Empires rise (The Egyptian Age of Decline was around 1100-30 BC and the Roman Empire was founded in 27 BC)
Also something I am interested in is "The Cult of ISIS" which was centered around the Egyptian deities Isis and Osiris. Its Roman origins are placed in the early empire, which would make it very likely that the Egyptian campaigns of the Second Triumvirate (most likely under Marcus Antonius) brought the cult to Rome. It had a popular following up until the fourth century CE, but as Christianity took a firmer hold was completely eliminated by the sixth century or went underground. Its weird that there isn't even a Wiki page for it. This page goes into it a bit more:
Its also interesting (from what I've heard) that certain scholars in the west were denying the Sumerian Religion existence at first until the evidence was too solid. Kinda like how some are claiming the Pyramids are a lot older than certain scholars claim.
I think after the decline of Rome this cult or whatever you wanna call them spread out (or had already spread out) into Europe (I think England is where they were based and probably behind the British Empire) and today I guess they influence and control the west. This is why there seems to be a big push in the media about globalism, unity, liberalism etc. Maybe that's the direction they want to take us in and it doesn't necessarily have to be for evil purposes. Good and bad can be subjective. Maybe they think differently to us. For example maybe they know reincarnation is real and therefore the clash of cultures which can be a side effect of multiculturalism and is insignificant to them. Like Islamic or Far Right extremists shooting up an area and killing a few hundred people is a necessary risk to the future plans they have for us.
Many people just jump the gun and claim its the devils work and I dont want to disrespect anyones religion or belief but I don't think its that simple. I would go as far as to say they created some of these Religions as a means of control. This doesn't mean I am right. I could be right about some of the things I mentioned and wrong about others. Its hard to tell but still you can connect certain things to the point where it makes sense. Its just a theory.