This is a meaningless platitude combined with dishonest general bothsidesism as a defense of specific policies. Surely, even if neither party is satisfying your desire to reduce debt, you can acknowledge a massive difference between the two of them.
Democrats have a pretty clear position--long-term reductions in debt with short-term adjustments based on the needs of the economy. The belief was that we needed temporarily higher deficits to combat the recession after 2009 (note, BTW, that the deficit peaked in Bush's last year), and that we should offset those temporarily higher deficits with long-term reduction (and no president has done more to reduce long-term debt than Obama--he even topped Clinton).
What's the Republican position on debt? Seems to be that it is an existential threat when a Democrat is in the WH and that we should greatly expand when a Republican is in the WH. There is simply no justification for the Trump cuts. As a country, we're not getting anything out of it. We're just borrowing money to give to rich heirs and investors.