Carnal's thread

Oh yeah, and mods, if for some reason you don't want this out, Then please just delete the thread and don't ban me. I <3 teh sherdog.
This is the treatise on heavy lifting right? I got it too.
Hey first post here, just read his articile on google cache, then I saved it in wordpad, it was a fantastic read.

Anyone know the reason he left?
lvlarc_uk said:
Hey first post here, just read his articile on google cache, then I saved it in wordpad, it was a fantastic read.

Anyone know the reason he left?

He left after he got dubs for racial slurs
I understand that he put up one of the better s&p posts so far, but this is one of the most disrespectful things I've ever seen on this site. There have been a number of people who have benefited from reading it, but ultimately, as long as any of us are allowed to edit the material we choose to put up on this site, nobody has any business distributing shit that we've decided we no longer want anyone else to read, regardless of the reason behind it. If this were ot, it would be a little different, but carnal made a substantial contribution to this forum, and he should have some measure of control over what is done with his writing. I'm guessing that the threadstarter didn't mean any harm by making this thread, but I know I would be happy to see this thread deleted.
Ok I think this thread is getting a little to personal. Relax man!! The kid was making an offer, lets not take this to seriously and try and equate it with some high crime. Take your pills and relax.
rickdog said:
Ok I think this thread is getting a little to personal. Relax man!! The kid was making an offer, lets not take this to seriously and try and equate it with some high crime. Take your pills and relax.

It isn't a huge deal, and I see where he's coming from, but if carnal doesn't want people on this site reading his post, he should be entitled to take it off without having people redistributing it. I would respect anyone else's choice to do what he did, and I would expect the same respect for anything I've posted.We all come here and share whatever knowledge we might have freely, and as long as the edit button is there I think people who choose to use it should be able to do so without having a half dozen people emailing shit they no longer want us to read. I don't really think that highly of the way carnal left this site, but anyone who wants his advice on something could probably get ahold of him quite easilly if they spent a few minutes learning how to operate the search function.
well, thanks carnal. I was offering this information becasue as you may know, it is probably some of the best advice this forum has offered. I showed your article to a friend of mine, and the next day he stepped into a gym for the first time. The next day he was eating and lifting heavy. He was a 6'0 120 weakling and after five months he has grown to a repectable 160 pounds. He's learned to push himself harder than he had ever before and he's appreciated most of the advice you've written. Thanks for coming back.
morganfreeman said:
It isn't a huge deal, and I see where he's coming from, but if carnal doesn't want people on this site reading his post, he should be entitled to take it off without having people redistributing it. I would respect anyone else's choice to do what he did, and I would expect the same respect for anything I've posted.We all come here and share whatever knowledge we might have freely, and as long as the edit button is there I think people who choose to use it should be able to do so without having a half dozen people emailing shit they no longer want us to read. I don't really think that highly of the way carnal left this site, but anyone who wants his advice on something could probably get ahold of him quite easilly if they spent a few minutes learning how to operate the search function.
Yes, i see where you are coming from, it's just, well, this is an internet forum. Please tell me that it is not really upsetting you this much that someone with good intentions wanted to share knowledge that they felt helped them greatly along the path twoards Strength and Power. I mean, come on man, you are taking this way to seriously in my opinion. Carnal posted here last night, he's not gone for good. Why don't you PM him and see if it bothers himas much as it is bothering you. I would bet that he could really care less. Just my opinion and I'm only speaking for myself. How sad that we have to resort to disclaimers on an internted forum. Give me a friggen break please.
Taylor knew that if he posted something here it becomes legally available for people to see it. If you submit something to a magazine, then unless you have an agreement, that something belongs to the magazine.