I'm not going to link all the places I've been seeing this but its something I've been seeing all over the place when i look up stuff about good cardio exercises. Too much cardio makes you store more fat for energy or something? Is this true?
Pretty much all i do is cardio, walk for like an hour after work and listen to music, then i skateboard (just got back into this) for maybe 30 min, then later on i might go for a light jog if my roommate is up for it, or a bike ride.
Also on the weekends I've been doing paddle boarding when i visit my little bros which is super fun.
But is doing just cardio bad? I've been losing a fair amount of weight this summer so i call bullshit on this.
"It's True. Too Much Cardio Can Slow Weight Loss! A variety of new studies are showing that cardio can not only sabotage your weightloss goals, but can hinder your body from burning fat! According to The Denver Post, if you WANT to gain weight, then a treadmill is where youshould turn!"
(i hate treadmills btw i never use them i prefer to run outside)