Economy Carbon tax hike takes effect today,Trudeau slams Liberal premiers Over criticism of carbon tax

why aren't all these economists lining up to trash this then?

Good job ignoring arguments and going straight to hurling insults.

Oh I don’t know maybe because everything on the face of the planet has been politicized now and people would rather cut their dick off than admitting their party of choice is fucked.

Like I said earlier, it’s absolutely fucking clown world that there are people defending being taxed more.

Edit - how old are you and how much do you make a year?
why aren't all these economists lining up to trash this then?

Good job ignoring arguments and going straight to hurling insults.
Critics’ Claim #5: Carbon pricing isn’t necessary.

What the evidence shows: Here the critics are right. Canada could abandon carbon pricing and still hit our climate targets by using other types of regulations and subsidies—but it would be much more costly to do so.
Curious that they don't say exactly for who it would be more costly.
@no fat chicks
Also, you don’t need to be a so called economist to understand that taxing the shit out people is not a good thing.

It’s hilarious that there are people out there that have convinced people that removing the tax is taking money out of your pocket lol.

I suppose when you(not you specifically)are a dead beat loser that solely relies on the government for money then yeah I guess removing the tax sucks for them. Fuck those people though
@no fat chicks
Also, you don’t need to be a so called economist to understand that taxing the shit out people is not a good thing.

It’s hilarious that there are people out there that have convinced people that removing the tax is taking money out of your pocket lol.

I suppose when you(not you specifically)are a dead beat loser that solely relies on the government for money then yeah I guess removing the tax sucks for them. Fuck those people though
You mean all of society?
Roads, social security, military, welfare etc?
Critics’ Claim #5: Carbon pricing isn’t necessary.

What the evidence shows: Here the critics are right. Canada could abandon carbon pricing and still hit our climate targets by using other types of regulations and subsidies—but it would be much more costly to do so.
Curious that they don't say exactly for who it would be more costly.
Probably large oil and mining companies.
Probably large oil and mining companies.

A “ expert” that doesn’t agree and you quickly shoot him down. Only the expert I agree with are credible experts lol.

It’s hilarious that you think that taxing you harder is a good thing.

I’m going to give everyone on Sherdog $500 but first you guys need to give me $550 each.
"let's tax the grocers for raising prices on canadians so they can raise prices on them even more!"

A “ expert” that doesn’t agree and you quickly shoot him down. Only the expert I agree with are credible experts lol.

It’s hilarious that you think that taxing you harder is a good thing.

I’m going to give everyone on Sherdog $500 but first you guys need to give me $550 each.
Why do Scandinavian countries with higher taxes rate higher than US on every metric?
same reason why the medical community lined up to vouch for the safety and efficacy of clot shots and child castration.
The data is now very conclusive that the vaccine for covid saved people's lives. I'm sorry that you're so arrogant that you think you know better than the medical community.
The data is now very conclusive that the vaccine for covid saved people's lives. I'm sorry that you're so arrogant that you think you know better than the medical community.

wasn't a vaccine, efficacy dove off a cliff after a few months, didn't prevent infection or transmission as advertised or as a vaccine would or should, probably more side effects than every other vaccine in history combined, all of it was a lie.
200 economists wrote that this is stupid.

Hmm who to believe, economicists or some loudmouth populist idiot?
Try believing your eyes and the brain that is connected to it. Hellen Keller could see how fucking stupid and wasteful it is to tax someone, then collect HST on top of it, and then give some of it back as a reward for paying the tax is bad economy.
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'Secret' RCMP report forecasts a bleak future in Canada​

"The coming period of recession will also accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations," the nine-page report predicts in a section titled "Popular Resentment."

It goes on to state that "many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live."

"The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the fact that the difference between the extremes of wealth is greater now in developed countries than it has been at any time in several generations,"
the report adds.

This plus the OECD forecast for Canada's next 50 years, Canada will become a 3rd world banana republic in the very near future.

Any Canadian with half a brain and any resources should be planning an exit strategy.

edit; and add the increasing authoriarianism to make it even more dangerous to be Canadian
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The data is now very conclusive that the vaccine for covid saved people's lives. I'm sorry that you're so arrogant that you think you know better than the medical community.
This is obviously a troll post. The medical community made billions off this and is now pushing medications to take when you get covid which typically last a few days, to....derp....lessen the amount of time you have covid. After getting vaccinated. WTF is wrong with you people? But do you, wear masks in your cars and take all the shots you want, just don't be a Vegan about it. It's stupid, you look stupid, and it's embarrassing.
i've been skeptical of economists ever since I heard paul krugman predict that the internet will be no greater than the fax machine, and that bitcoin 'is shit'. Usually the pros are right, sometimes they're wrong. I instantly recognized his name because I remembered all the college text books were written by him.

I don't know what to do when things devolve into my expert vs your expert though. Majority rules I guess.
i've been skeptical of economists ever since I heard paul krugman predict that the internet will be no greater than the fax machine, and that bitcoin 'is shit'. Usually the pros are right, sometimes they're wrong. I instantly recognized his name because I remembered all the college text books were written by him.

I don't know what to do when things devolve into my expert vs your expert though. Majority rules I guess.
This Economist has a good piece on the issue. In short saying Canada has so many green and environmental regulations that the carbon tax was unnecessary and not helpful
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When they tell you their goal is too make you to poor to drive believe what they say.

Heat your home ? Too expensive. Groceries , too expensive . Flying , too expensive.

Carbon is one of the building blocks of life on this planet. Is it ideal to emit with no mitigation, likely not. But it certainly isn't worth driving quality of life back significantly to prevent something we have very little control over ( and don't even contribute too much on a world stage)