Candy crush has turned 99% of commuters into mindless zombies

Candy Crush sucks. Marvel Puzzle Quest is the best mindless zombie game.
TS obviously hasn't beaten level 63 yet....

it's a whole new world after 63 bro...
Reason why I STILL don't use a smartphone. Not because I'm trying to be different for the sake of being different. It's because I KNOW I'm NOT different and will become these zombies that play apps games as soon as I get smartphones.

Well, the good thing about this is, at least you can stare at their boobs for as long as their Candy Crush round lasts.

I like looking around when I take the sub/public transport. I even go up to old people that dig their nose and say "Feeling good?" and walk off. Making stupid faces to crying kids to get them shocked and stop crying and goes hugging their parents. You will miss all these if you are head down sliding your phone.
Ewww interacting with people? Yuck!
I read during my commute. but I do have a few kids games on my phone for my youngest niece.

I installed hacked/modded versions of a few games & she went nuts. the second I see her now she gives me a hug & asks for my phone. what have I done?
^^ You dun goofed.
One of the things I miss about working in Chicago is a lot of people on Brown Line "L" *did* read books/kindles on the commutes to and from work

Unlike my current rural area where most people I know haven't read a book since high school that wasn't assigned to them in college... I had someone call me out last month for "trying to sound smart" by saying what books I had read recently in a casual conversation between a few people of what we had been up to
Ive been getting into the running games, like Subway Surfers, Temple Run and most recently, the Spiderman running game.

I never got into Clash of Clans, but I might give it a try one day
Candy Crush sucks. Marvel Puzzle Quest is the best mindless zombie game.

Mine is Metal Slug defense, its a side scrolling war game. Play it whenever my hands are free on the way to someplace.

But yeah, when I do ride public transportation everyone has their face focused on the screen almost as a "leave me the fuck alone" body language signal. I like that walkman story a few pages back. I just like this video game and listening to Oasis radio lol
I don't get it. With a decent smartphone/tablet, you can be listening to awesome podcasts, reading great e-books, watching great movies/shows, etc...but I'd say that 99% of the people I see on my morning commute on the subway are just playing things to enjoy the bleep, score, blah blah.


I drive my own car to work and don't use public transportation, therefore do not use games on my morning commute, nor interact with those that do.

TL/DR: You sound poor

(Did I do that right 'Berry?)
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