Social Canadian Oil Executive Forced to Turn Shirt Inside Out on Family Tour

But congrats, now you and 1000 other heros are coming to this oil CFO's rescue and giving him the attention he wanted from this stunt and the aftermath sob story. That terrible horrid rotten security guard making like 15 bucks an hr was such an awful OPPRESSOR for this lowly oil exec. Incredible stuff y'all, you save this oil executive's shirt from being worn improperly; the world is mended and we may rejoice in shangri-la!
This is about right. Justice was finally served. Maybe things can get back to normal now.
Ya unless i am missing something that does not work.

At some point the shirt collar around the neck and shirt itself has to pop off and over your head to get the shirt back on inside out. You can mess about all you want but i see no way around that.

I think you are right. I didn’t watch super carefully as the girls did it for obvious reasons.
Oh yeah, that was handled great when there shouldn’t have been an issue at all. What a dog shit opinion. You libs and your censorship.

Lots of shit shouldn’t happen, but it does. The security guard wasn’t enforcing the policy correctly. He made a mistake. Had he been enforcing the rule properly the shirt would have been allowed. I’m sorry that an oil executive had his feelings hurt by a low level security guard. It was an egregious overstep by that guard. He should be fired for his poor judgement.
So yeah, you're the partisan blinded with rage hack here for thinking this is some attack on oil.
It's plain as day dude:





How is this so hard for you and everyone here to see how so blatantly obvious this is?

Oh look a other meltdown from meltdown guy.

For an Albertan, that's just a shirt. Like wearing a Flames shirt or an Oilers shirt. We love oil here because it keeps our families fed.

We don't wear those shorts to stick it to you limp wrists on the east coast, we wear it because we are proud of our industry.
Oh look a other meltdown from meltdown guy.

For an Albertan, that's just a shirt. Like wearing a Flames shirt or an Oilers shirt. We love oil here because it keeps our families fed.

We don't wear those shorts to stick it to you limp wrists on the east coast, we wear it because we are proud of our industry.
Dude you are on next level delusion.
The "victim" is AN OIL EXECUTIVE WEARING AN OIL LOBBYING SHIRT INTO PARLIAMENT, WHERE HE POSED FOR A PHOTO IN IT. This is not some random dude in his fav hockey jersey around and that comparison is just so laughable. The shirt is literally only for sale thru a pro oil and gas lobbying website rofl.
Are you so mentally incompetent that you can't understand that "having pride in your industry" when going and parading around a political space is considered lobbying? Like...this is cornerstone axiomatic shit regardless of anyone's views on anything.

Just like if someone working in the solar industry showed up in Congress wearing an advertisement for the solar industry, they'd also be lobbying.
Like, holy shit dude are you so stupid that you don't understand what lobbying is or are you that much of an oil psycho that you don't think this qualifies?
You must be dumber than a pile of shale debris if you can't figure out this entire thing was a publicity stunt involving a guy wearing a shirt that was literally printed by a lobbying organization.
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Yeah all that money we siphon....

How much is that again? Nothing?

Of course Alberta is getting fleeced by Ottawa, just not in the way you think
Albertans pay $21.8 billion more in taxes than they get back, but the equalization program isn’t to blame

For quite some time, Alberta has disproportionately paid more into federal treasuries than almost any other part of the country. But contrary to popular opinion, it’s not the much-maligned equalization formula that’s to blame.

According to the most recent numbers from Statistics Canada, Albertans sent $49 billion worth of taxes to Ottawa in 2016, but only received $27.2 billion back in the form of federal spending.
This equates to a “gap” of $21.8 billion. On average, it means that, in 2016, every Albertan paid $5,265 more into Confederation than they get back.

Add it all up — rich populace, lower entitlement burden, light federal spending — and you’ve got a province that consistently punches above its weight when it comes to paying the country’s bills.

However, Albertans are correct to note that they are shouldering a higher-than-average share of the federal budget.

For every tax dollar collected by the federal government in 2016, 17 cents of it came from Alberta — despite Albertans making up only 11.4 per cent of the population.

...the fact remains that Alberta can justifiably take credit in the fact that of every Coast Guard vessel, RCMP Stetson hat or flag that flies over Parliament Hill, they proportionally paid for more of it than any other province or territory.
Dude you are on next level delusion.
The "victim" is AN OIL EXECUTIVE WEARING AN OIL LOBBYING SHIRT INTO PARLIAMENT, WHERE HE POSED FOR A PHOTO IN IT. This is not some random dude in his fav hockey jersey around and that comparison is just so laughable. The shirt is literally only for sale thru a pro oil and gas lobbying website rofl.
Are you so mentally incompetent that you can't understand that "having pride in your industry" when going and parading around a political space is considered lobbying? Like...this is cornerstone axiomatic shit regardless of anyone's views on anything.

Just like if someone working in the solar industry showed up in Congress wearing an advertisement for the solar industry, they'd also be lobbying.
Like, holy shit dude are you so stupid that you don't understand what lobbying is or are you that much of an oil psycho that you don't think this qualifies?
You must be dumber than a pile of shale debris if you can't figure out this entire thing was a publicity stunt involving a guy wearing a shirt that was literally printed by a lobbying organization.

Keep melting down, weirdo.
Keep melting down, weirdo.
I know I know, being able to write a couple sentences in a row shoving your face in how wrong you are = melting down.

But fighting for some oil exec's t-shirt against a random security guard is totally normal lol.
We are lucky to have a first amendment.
I know I know, being able to write a couple sentences in a row shoving your face in how wrong you are = melting down.

But fighting for some oil exec's t-shirt against a random security guard is totally normal lol.

What did I say that was wrong? You've been making up an argument for me this whole thread, stupid.
Guard should be forced to walk to work for a year.
Canadian O&G = good thing,.
Less need for Gulf Arab energy.
I wore that "make 7up yours" tshirt in elementary school and the principal made me wear it inside out. Same energy
@dummy aka @brackis1

Nowhere in this thread did I say the guy should have been allowed to wear the shirt, which, btw he was allowed to, the security dweeb just fucked up.

I was just pointing out that for an Albertan, wearing that shirt isn't some big political act of civil disobedience.

Then you melted down. Hilariously.
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Yeah man no idea why a specific lobbying message for a single type of company/industry would be construed as political. Weird.
If us geniuses can't figure it out we must be right.

It's not lobbying.
@dummy aka @brackis1

Nowhere in this thread did I say the guy should have been allowed to wear the shirt, which, btw he was allowed to, the security dweeb just fucked up.

I was just pointing out that for an Albertan, wearing that shirt isn't some big political act of civil disobedience.

Then you melted down. Hilariously.
So you're just gonna pretend he wasn't an oil exec and didn't pose for photos to display the t-shirts message in parliament? Or that he didn't self-report this huge fucking international t-shirtgate incident for the explicit purpose of getting further attention?
But whatever man, you're obviously so deeply in love with this shit that you literally can't figure out what lobbying for an industry is rofl.

I mean for fucks sake the tshirt sucks ass anyways. Like, how the fuck do you bother printing that garbage (again, made exclusively by a lobbying group) and put both a heart and a maple leaf on that design? One or the other. The Leaf should be in place of the heart.
This whole thing is a twilight zone of stupidity and intentional fake outrage,
Still don't see how that doesn't cause a flash of everyone around you? Kudos for having an answer tho.

Gonna guess this middle aged man doesn't know a middle school girl trick like that.

Arms out. Hold front of shirt down while friend tucks back through neck. Spin shirt and repeat.

Also, sports bras make it unnecessary but middle school girls are weird.

Also, I still don't understand how girls change shirts without taking one off.

You guys need to stop talking about this stuff; You're going to summon Bloodworth's ghost..........
It's doable. Arms out then reverse through neck hole. My daughter and several others girls did this at an athletic event where she was put on the "inside-out" jersey team because the colors between the teams were too similar.
might want to brush up on your topology
Arms out. Hold front of shirt down while friend tucks back through neck. Spin shirt and repeat.

Also, sports bras make it unnecessary but middle school girls are weird.

Also, I still don't understand how girls change shirts without taking one off.
oh, okay, i take it back