International Canada spends less tax dollars on healthcare than the USA


Oct 17, 2015
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I thought this was interesting. Canada has universal healthcare and they actually spend less tax dollars on healthcare than we do. Would universal healthcare actually lower taxes?

The U.S. has a for profit healthcare industry.

That's the problem.
I've always said they should nationalize the medical insurance industry. Get for profit out of the decision making process.

I wonder how many jobs that would erase though. I was being pushed to buy a regular insurance brokers business like 5 years ago but I could see that walk in traffic would die cause of the internet.
Nationalizing it would decrease not only the quality, but most importantly, the innovation in the progress of medicinal science. The prime motivation for finding cures, just like with everything else, is to make money.

Does anyone know which country in the world comes up with the most advancements in medicine?
War Canada.

Nationalizing it would decrease not only the quality, but most importantly, the innovation in the progress of medicinal science. The prime motivation for finding cures, just like with everything else, is to make money.

Does anyone know which country in the world comes up with the most advancements in medicine?
I wonder if we could harness both.
I live in Japan and the drug companies say the prices are so low that they stifle innovation. Which is probably true as drugs here are far behind and medical techniques are also lagging
If you have the money then US has the best health care in the world. If you don't then it might be a different story.
Nationalizing it would decrease not only the quality, but most importantly, the innovation in the progress of medicinal science. The prime motivation for finding cures, just like with everything else, is to make money.

Does anyone know which country in the world comes up with the most advancements in medicine?

While everything you say is true, I just don’t understand the purpose of all that innovation. It’s mainly the high middle class and higher that can afford all that innovation. Everyone else has to take major debt to afford that innovation.
I was a private banker for a major nationwide financial institution here in the US. I can tell you from first hand experience working with several Canadian customers, many of them were here in the US for treatment for serious medical treatment such as cancer. They were here in a life or death situation because of the quality of healthcare in Canada. I seen people not just coming but leaving theUS greatful for the US healthcare systeM. Now these were only the wealthiest of Canadians who were able to afford this especially because they didn’t have US healthcare coverage.

Canada is great for minor healthcare issues, outside of that get in line.
Nationalizing it would decrease not only the quality, but most importantly, the innovation in the progress of medicinal science. The prime motivation for finding cures, just like with everything else, is to make money.

Does anyone know which country in the world comes up with the most advancements in medicine?
Medical advancement is certainly a benefit. But everything has a cost: benefit ratio. Is bearing the entire world's medical advancement cost worth the benefit?

This is kinda like the US paying 3% of its GDP into the military while the rest of NATO sucks off of America's tits.

Are you benefiting off of that or are you just a retard that the rest of the world is taking advantage of and laughing at?
If you have the money then US has the best health care in the world. If you don't then it might be a different story.

Not "might", it is. And it sucks.
I thought this was interesting. Canada has universal healthcare and they actually spend less tax dollars on healthcare than we do. Would universal healthcare actually lower taxes?


I mean, you get what you pay for. Could America trim the fat a bit on healthcare? Sure.

But most Americans don't appreciate the quality and...consumer-friendly nature of their healthcare is compared to the rest of the world. If you have coverage, it's pretty great.

The things that make it pretty great are:
1) tons of well-trained (and well-paid!) doctors and nurses;
2) big fancy facilities with lots of nice amenities and private rooms;
3) high tech medical equipment.

profit and insurance industry overhead aside, all this shit actually costs real resources to keep operational. You don't magically get Canada's overhead by switching to a 'Canadian model'. To a great extent, the current cost is baked into the system. America simply isn't going to go backwards in terms of healthcare costs unless Yellowstone explodes.
Of course. Murka still has a form of single-payer(Medicaid), but their prices are skewed because of their zhit system of HMOs and doctors which require ridiculous compensation.
I think it's terrible that they care so little about their own peoples health.
I was a private banker for a major nationwide financial institution here in the US. I can tell you from first hand experience working with several Canadian customers, many of them were here in the US for treatment for serious medical treatment such as cancer. They were here in a life or death situation because of the quality of healthcare in Canada. I seen people not just coming but leaving theUS greatful for the US healthcare systeM. Now these were only the wealthiest of Canadians who were able to afford this especially because they didn’t have US healthcare coverage.

Canada is great for minor healthcare issues, outside of that get in line.

Yup. My dad went to the US for a life-prolonging treatment that Canada had wait-listed him for.

All the anecdotal shit you hear from Canadians about how great the system here is boils down to 'oh I slipped off the zamboni and a pencil crayon got me right through the toque. 17 stitches, eh.'

Not cancer and shit.
Yeah it's big insurance propaganda that makes Tucker and the rest of the media lie about how much more expensive it would be, when if we paid what the entire rest of the world paid for the same stuff, and crooked doctors weren't allowed to rip the system off hundreds of millions of dollars in some cases we would have much less expensive healthcare. For profit has failed on multiple levels. The problem is insurance lobby has been milking the American middle class with the help of the government so long that they are both used to it. Pathetic.
I thought this was interesting. Canada has universal healthcare and they actually spend less tax dollars on healthcare than we do. Would universal healthcare actually lower taxes?


The U.S. also has a population of 325 million people where Canada damn near every other country on that graph are smaller than some U.S. States.
The U.S. also has a population of 325 million people where Canada damn near every other country on that graph are smaller than some U.S. States.
I think it says "per capita."