Can you have a heania in your batty. Can a doctor explain what happened with Whitaker.

This is sherdog. Everyone is a doctor.
What happened was that romero spiked his post weigh in water with a nontestable KGB style cuban seditive..
Then he went ghey Jesus on him untill he could no more.

The shame of the event made ut so bobby could not tell anyone..
But when he couldnt even walk he threw in towel and admitted the rape.

Romero has been detained and they are testning his dna for a match.
As a doctor, yes I confirm you can indeed have a heania in yo batty.

As a liar, no I cannot confirm I am a doctor.

Dunno why this post fucking slayed me.
Wow, don't know where to begin with this one...

Both as an Ali G fan,
And working in a doctor's office & hospital for well over a decade.

I feel over qualified to even apply my usual trolling.

This... is a conundrum.
