Can you handle No UFC for 3 months?


White Belt
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
I can. And thats pretty much what is going to happen. Accept it.
If you can't, explain why. Why is MMA so important to your life that you don't care about the safety of the human race?
Bro if we all live that fucking long lmfao

Nah but seriously I think we all acknowledge it's a terrible idea to have fights right now it was just nice to have some regular facet of reality as a distraction from the fking apocalypse
I can easily handle it, what sucks is, is that this is all taking place in the warmer months why couldn't it have happened during the winter lol.
I can easily handle it, what sucks is, is that this is all taking place in the warmer months why couldn't it have happened during the winter lol.
I actually like winter more then summer. I love wearing hoodies and layers. You can always take off layers. You can't beat the fucking heat.
Why? Because I’ll go crazy and go on a drunken and high rampage. That’s why.
Its just a sport / passing time - thing for me.
I've kinda been doing that with all these shitty cards since they went "mainstream"
We have no choice if that happens. Always fight pass
Absolutely! We’ve had 4-5 consecutive months of dogshit cards in the past that i gladly skipped...I used to be hardcore when UFNs on Spike looked like one of today’s ppvs. Back then I would have gone crazy ... That’s long gone, though. I only watch big events now. I can definitely wait 3-4 months for a good card , Ive done it before. ( I guess getting older is another reason to not care as much as before...)
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I can. And thats pretty much what is going to happen. Accept it.
If you can't, explain why. Why is MMA so important to your life that you don't care about the safety of the human race?

Quit virtue signaling.

More people have died via suicide, obesity, and alcohol related deaths than Covid during the pandemic.

It has a .66% mortality rate, and only 1.5% of those that die are young and healthy.

How about the young and healthy people go to work and not plunge the entire planey into a depression while the elderly and those with diabetes and autoimmune disorders self isolate?
Bro if we all live that fucking long lmfao

Nah but seriously I think we all acknowledge it's a terrible idea to have fights right now it was just nice to have some regular facet of reality as a distraction from the fking apocalypse

The worldwide governments will be the ones that cause any apocalypse, less than a 1% mortality rate with the vast majority being elderly being the death victims.

Yet somehow that is still important enough to make the 99% that would be fine be plunged into a life of poverty.
Absolutely! We’ve had 4-5 consecutive months of dogshit cards that i skipped in the past...I used to be hardcore when UFNs on Spike looked like one of today’s ppv ... That’s long gone. I only watch big events now. I can definitely wait 3-4 months for s good card , Ive done it before.
So, you realize how bad this is going to affect UFC? They are going to lose a lot of casuals. And I am glad. Say what you will. this is karma, and its well deserved.
I can easily handle it, what sucks is, is that this is all taking place in the warmer months why couldn't it have happened during the winter lol.

Are you for real? What do you think usually happens with respiratory illnesses in the winter?
China reopened their wet markets, which starts and spreads these type of diseases.

UFC closed their events, which have not started nor spread these type of pandemics.

Please explain why you're such a tool. If you can't, then at least stop making such condiscending threads.