Can you guess how many days per week Tito Ortiz is training for Chuck Liddell?

I think he means:
6 days a week of training
5 of those days he's training three times a day
1 of those days he's training twice
I got it, but I have a very very high iq
CTE is real! If I was near a computer I would edit this appropriately.

No no don't get to blame this doofuse's idiocy on CTE.

Tito was a moron well before he started getting his brain rattled. Like straight out of the canal this guy was gurgling dumb shit.
He trains nearly as much as Srabalu Srobral.
Tito Ortiz makes me fucking cringe. He's almost as shook just talking as Conor was shook when Diaz walked into the press conference after choking him out.
It's hard to train with a cracked skull.