Can you develop a killer instinct?

Or Rampage. Notice how chill and friendly he is during his free time. But right before the fight, he is pissed. Anger is necessary in a fight, (for me anyway)

in rampages case i think its more of a entertainment type of thing or he's trying to sike out his opponent OR maybe he's nervous and has to let it out in his own way.
Or Rampage. Notice how chill and friendly he is during his free time. But right before the fight, he is pissed. Anger is necessary in a fight, (for me anyway)

Do you know your position is in complete opposition to the samurai way that you have in your sig?

Samurai felt that they would come back from death as a better person. They cultivated mushin as a battle form. Anger was not part of their belief. It was a disruption.
Killer instinct is about being aggressive and finishing your opponent without hesitation.

I wouldn't say getting angry is the right way to go. Sure, getting angry will give you a sort of "killer instinct", but you'll also get sloppy. You'll throw your technique right out the window, your breathing will go to shit and you'll expose yourself to counter strikes.

Killer instinct is also more than just being able to attack when you see an opportunity. There's a fine line that you have to cross between the two. There's a difference between thinking, "When I see an opening, I'll attack", and, "When I see an opening, I'm gonna do everything in my power to hurt him and finish this fight."

The difference is all in your mindset. Before you fight, you have to be 100% prepared to do what you have to do. If there's any doubt in your mind about hitting and hurting someone, then you'll have a split second hesitation before you strike. You need to commit your mind and body 100% to attacking and hurting someone, that's what fighting is.

You can't be afraid to hit, and you can't be afraid to hurt someone else.

I think the anger part comes in because, like some other guys mentioned, a lot of fighter's have gone through tough shit in their lives. Because of the things they've gone through, they've already reached the point where they have no problems taking hits and hurting their opponent.
no you can't develop it, its already inside everyone fully developed.

This is the most logical post in this thread. You can develop your ability to call on it or release/control it, but it's the same from person to person. Different things may trigger it, and it may manifest in different forms, but it is still the same driving instinct that has kept the human race alive for millenia.

EDIT: oh and other animals, i.e. survival instinct. Us humans are a little more detached from it because we lead easy lives and aren't put in such situations often enough.
Do you know your position is in complete opposition to the samurai way that you have in your sig?

Samurai felt that they would come back from death as a better person. They cultivated mushin as a battle form. Anger was not part of their belief. It was a disruption.

I was speaking on my behalf. if someone hits me in the face I am going to get angry. Maybe I shouldn't have generalized. I guess some people can calmly take a punch to the face, or camly get the crap beat out of them.

But you're right. In swordmanship you are supposed to have "no mind"
I just eat puppies - whole litters at a time. In front of children. That pretty much does it for me.
Pussy. I fucking munch on shards of glass mixed with chili peppers. That gives me an extra Oomph before training. I even rub the mixture on my nads for good measure and to make sure my killer instinct is allways FULL THROTTLE!

Either that or i kick fucking light poles full force. It really pumps me up. I get SOO angry at those light poles....I just want to kick them until the light turns off. And i do...

Get that puppy eating shit outta here.
Yes, you can develop a killer instinct. Put yourself in harm's way (or a good enough simulated situation) and get out of it. Rinse and repeat.

Train yourself to trigger your fight mode. And not your flight mode.
most successful fighters are full of hate and anger.
ive known a hell of a lot of pro fighters, some with world titles and there angry mother fuckers.
controlled anger, fuck the samarai and mushin,
im part thai and all my friends are thai,we are all buddhist and i never hear any off us preaching mushin like shit in the camp.
dont tell me samurai where totally calm in battle, its bullshit
Killer instinct can be something you are born with or something you can have to develop and some people will just never have it. Some people it will come with sparring and losing fear of getting countered others just naturally have it.
everyone has a killer instinct...

Hmm. Somehow I started reading this thread and now I'm starting to think about it. I think by "killer instinct" you mean the ability to act with extreme violence with little or no provocation. That doesn't mean you have to be crazy, just (as I put it) "willin to do the killin." In a match, this instinct helps but clearly there are other factors. However in other types of conflicts, such as the almost mythical old west gunfight, the guy who was willing to shoot someone at the drop of a dime was usually the guy who...shot people. Read Wyatt Earp's Autobiography...he talks on end about it. In a "real" fight, I believe in throwing the first punch, preferably a good old sucker punch. So I guess you have to be prone toward unpredictable and violent behavior (which is the kind of behavior that wins fights). I also believe the best place to take a bullet is in the girlfriend. However that's another topic.

Wyatt Earp seemed to believe that you could build that cold-blooded killer instinct, but also that some people just can't do it. They always hesitate. These are the people who are usually fascinated with fighting and talk on end about it (that sounds like me...hmmm..). However everything they describe is very discreet, knowable, and ...un-fightlike. I can smell those types from a mile a way. But if I ever need a loan, I can choke em and it comes out like pez. I was mostly joking about that last part.
dont tell me samurai where totally calm in battle, its bullshit

Since I was a Samurai in my past life, I will clear this up. The Samurai of old, (the ones durring the warring period) did not believe in zen and no mind stuff. They fought with anger. THis no mind stuff came during the age of peace where there were no wars being fought. Samurai could afford to develop lofty ideas like zen and what not, because they had more time on their hands. No mind was used in the dojo during peace. Not during the warring period.

history lesson over.
Samurai or not. Fedor and Anderson Silva, Machida do not fight with rage. I think there is confusion between mean and anger. Iron Mike fought with meanness but not anger. Nobody wanted to mess people up more but he was not a screaming lunatic (except the ear thing). Anger is the reflection of fear. Sorry.

Samurai do work with a mushin principle. Please read about it. I study karate at a few schools. A few of my karate instructors are kendo, iado and Japanese swordsman practitioners. We have classes. People come here and our instructors travel. If your mind is full with thought or emotion, your actions will suffer. What I have read about samurai in battle is that they are fierce. I can not speak to anger. It would not be endorsed by others. They trained that way because they fought that way. The reason this is important is because they fought to the death. Usually in a millisecond. We at most will get knocked out. Samurai is the highest standard.

Mushin does not mean emotionless. It is actually emotionful (paradox of zen).

You can fight with rage if you want. I choose not to.
Since I was a Samurai in my past life, I will clear this up.
{with tears of laughter in eyes}
End of thread.
i think about this chick who broke my crayon when i was a little kid and i get really really angry. i think thats my first violent act towards another human being because i thought my parents were going to cane me because i broke the crayon. i was so scared.....

Thats kind of fucked up, dude.