Can we ban A mod?



Wilhelms avatar is showing a little nipple,so to be politiclly correct and in accordence w/ sherdog law, he should be banned!
It doesn't matter male or female if you show nipple, you get banned! If not I say we file with the ACLU for reverse discrimination law suit and sue the fuck out of sherdog!
Besides he is spamming this board!
Shaddup both of you. Whiners.

Originally posted by Wilhelm
Hush up.


First of all, youv'e got a naked man as your avatar that's reason enough to ban you, second thing,your avy is all oiled up and sweatty, that's fuckin sick!

Your banned!
That my friend is his FIGHT PIC from PRIDE !!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Blown & Injected

First of all, youv'e got a naked man as your avatar that's reason enough to ban you, second thing,your avy is all oiled up and sweatty, that's fuckin sick!

Hahahaha. That deserves a banning as well as time in prison.
He has shorts on just look CLOSE!

Again huh? Tell me the story about the 1st time.

Pablo, don't tell him. You know what happened when you told it last time to Art..... He isn't here anymore for a reason.

ive just noticed he is wearing anythin...

that is one gay mofo avatar you got right there mr moderator...
Naked men should not be allowed! Wihelm you have scared me for life......
naked Chick avaters-Yes. naked men avaters-No

So this all means Willy-No.

Goodbye Romo willy take your gay man hunk with you.

pablo: please do not repaet that story agian. I was sacred the first time.
Conrad its your fault that I am even here. You were the one that invited me here to "Post as I see fit" I do believe you said.

As to the homosexual jokes I have this to say. I am married to a very beautiful woman that I love completely. The gentleman in my avatar is a friend and training partner that is a professional fighter. That is his picture from PrideFC. I understand that you have nothing better to come at me with then school yard comments about my sexuallity. Neither do I care nor do they bother me. I am a man and I know who and what I am so speak as you wish for it means nothing to me as I am simply trying to support my friend who is an MMA fighter on this a fighting forum. With that said I have one thing to leave you with. LICK MY ASS CLEAN YOU WHINEY OBSTINANT WUSSYS. (specially you ya crumpet eatin englishman):D :D :D


P.S. Treelo I love that Silva highlight vid. I watch that shit everyday.
Originally posted by Wilhelm
I understand that you have nothing better to come at me with then school yard comments about my sexuallity.

Correct. anti is mainly just these comments so it is something to get use to.

Art would be proud.
Wilhelm, I hope your wife doesn't know about your naked men avatar creating secret. ;)