Can the CHIN be developed?



We know that speed, strength, cardio & technique can be improved with training.... but can the chin be improved? I supposed you can have better abs to withstand more beats to your torso, and so on... but what about strikes to the head? Can you train to take more punishment?
Allot of being able to take a shot to the head really has to do with with your neck, so allot of fighters will work to make their neck stronger.
bigjoey said:
Has anybody actually done that?

lol it wouldnt matter even if they did... its not actully ur chin that effects you going out.... its something like the back of ur jaw is forced into a sack like thing that controllers some of your balance.. im not sure one this... ne one?
nerb said:
Allot of being able to take a shot to the head really has to do with with your neck, so allot of fighters will work to make their neck stronger.

you beat me to it, was gonna say i remember nigel benn (ex uk world champ boxer) was very chinny so did loads of exercises designed to strengthen his neck to help absorb punches.
There is a nerve connect to your jaw. If you hit correctly you will get a shock-like feeling and then go out..
Melthy said:
There is a nerve connect to your jaw. If you hit correctly you will get a shock-like feeling and then go out..

yea thats what i thought.... thanks
You can strengthen your neck which helps a lot with things like neck bridges, and I've even seen guys wearing head-straps with weights connected to help build up the strentgh as well. Check these links out, they're on bodybuilding sites, but the principal is much the same

Hope thats some help - I've definitely seen an ad somewhere where you can order the head strap things, so I'll post it up when I find it
Besides strengthening the neck you can get into the habit of moving your head with the punch even when you get hit. Many boxers do that. Most MMAers I know don't move their head so they absorb the full power of the punch.
PrideFCisbest said:
I've noticed there are a lot of guys that fight with big bushy beards. Is there really no rule against this? Guys like Keith from TUF, Tank Abbott and a guy I saw on WEC the other night Lavar "big" Johnson.

I have to believe this is a huge advantage if you take one right on the chin you'd have a better chance of absorbing it. If I were a fighter I would definitely grow a huge beard.

I think they should have rules against these huge beards just like boxing does. What do you think?

...I think we should defer to "PrideFCisbest" for the answer
George Chuvalo a HW boxer from Ali's era used to chew gum. Whenever he would train he would pack his mouth full of gum and chew strenghten his jaw. Most of you will say that it wont work....but whose the first person to go all 15 with Ali?
maxm2000 said:
Besides strengthening the neck you can get into the habit of moving your head with the punch even when you get hit. Many boxers do that. Most MMAers I know don't move their head so they absorb the full power of the punch.

That's called "slipping" a punch and it works very well because YOU move your neck with the blow so that the muscles don't resist and aid the impact of the punch. Pretty much ALL boxers do this because it works. Some guys in MMA do it but it opens you up to getting taken down.
You can develope your arms and shins by hitting them with sticks every day.
Eventually the bone gets stronger, just like martial artists punching wood boards all the time get stronger knuckles. Thai fighters even 'sharpen' their shins to add pain to their opponent.

I don't see why this can't be applied to the face... although at what cost?
You could take out the cartlidge in the nose to flatten it, then start hitting your chin every day with a board. Eventually there will be less nerve endings, harder skin, and a harder chin.

Obviously you COULD do something like this... but you would be stupid.
it's the jawbone slamming into the syotic nerve, theres nothing anyone can do. when that happens the lights just go out. It's all about having good boxing skills and head movement. positioning yourself to where if you have to take a shot, you can lessen the blow.
ravigne said:
George Chuvalo a HW boxer from Ali's era used to chew gum. Whenever he would train he would pack his mouth full of gum and chew strenghten his jaw. Most of you will say that it wont work....but whose the first person to go all 15 with Ali?
That may be true but Chuvalo also has a very big head and jaw I think that might have to do with it more so than just chewing gum. Where did you hear he did this to strenghthen his jaw?
Just punch yourself in the face 50 times every night. Just do it. Trust me.