Can the Bullet get some love, please?

No idea why they would give a TUF winner a belt.

This is just a ceremonial fight to give Valentina her championship.
I like how Till is blatantly checking out her ass.

Uh... Look again. His eyes aren't even pointed towards her. It looks like he's looking at the photographer.
Joanna is about to be one sad panda with Rose as the 115 champion and Valentina as the 125 champion lol. Remember when she wanted to be a double champion?
Congrats on TUF win Nicco now here jump in this lion pit
Montano doesn’t even look like a fighter.
Honestly, I couldn’t take my eyes out of Valentina.
Wtf? I had no idea this division existed and that it had a champ named Nicco Montano.

I have never not known a UFC champ till now. This is a first for me.
yeah she was lookin pretty fine.

can't wait til she embarrasses montano.
I wonder if WMMA will ever evolve to the point that people actually talk about their skills.
Im not even kidding, that episode scared the fuck out of me when I was a little kid. That fucking bird would go down in the basement, drink that potion, then the door would start shaking as it came out. Ugh, Im not gonna sleep tonight
hot af

edit: and one of my fav fighters! she's a beast
Id give her the best 2 minutes of her life!