Can people explain to me why Tyrone Woodley is not liked at Sherdog?

I dont like him since his Strikeforce days, him getting the belt just made it worst, never seen a fighter with that sense of entitlement (even before winning the belt, ie the Marquardt incident), ducking guys left and right.
It's SherFront what can you expect?

Conor can say all kinds of derogatory terms about people i.e. cholo and Nazi and the masses flock to him. Woodley complains/talks about racism and some accounts it was warranted and the mob is out full force.

I'd understand if it was he ducked Lombard, beat the crap out of my favorite fighter, just don't like his fight style.

Instead it's he's a BLM racist, whines (when he gets asked a question), wants money fights, and was out for 18 months
the worst thing he did was when he made the "come into your favela on horseback and put you to work" comment to Aldo. Aldo is clearly at least part black in the last country in the Americas to outlaw slavery. That's just awful.

Anyhow, there are legitimate criticisms to be made of Woodley (he has a habit of dragging his foot in fight negotiations, which many will interpret as a duck, and he clearly wanted no part of Lombard). I used to be a fan and even I've soured a bit towards him. That said, he's clearly a good, intelligent guy and deserves nowhere near the hate he gets, and if anybody doesn't think that race is at least a large part of the equation, they're dead wrong.
People has to hate someone... it makes fights more interesting. In my case I don't like DC and Lawler, so I can't wait for JJ to come back and kicks his a&& again.
Any examples of illegal behaviour, PED use or over the top trash talking will do.

He also seems to have a budding friendship with Sage Northcutt so not sure if that is a pro or con for him.

I liked tyron before he got too big for his bridges, trying to make "money fights", and thinking he could call all the shots and avoid the backlog of legit contenders at 170 right now, but now tyron is fighting wonderboy, so he's cool again.
Im guessing similar reasons Rashad, Jones and DC get so much heat.

Just a guess though.
Prolly cause he got that whole rod Tidwell, thing going on....

Was an awesome d1 wrestler, great fighter.. Hell, he's champ,

He's a wrassler, with a great right, but no chael.
Because he knocked one of this board's favorite fighters in spectacular fashion.

Because he wanted to hold out defending his title as a smart business move.

Because he's experienced things in his life most couldn't fathom due to his unique set of circumstances and if he's ever to bring them to light people are quick to prescribe labels upon him.

I love Wonderboy but the anti-Woodley jerk has gone too far.
Sherdog tends not to like black dudes and the fact that Woodley cries racism every chance he gets only pours gas on the fire. This website has a lot of closet bigots, with some being more forthright.
There is worse than Tyron Woodley, that is for sure. Ones like the juvenile and immature Jon Jones, who has an adolescent level mentality as well as being a liability to any citizen wherever he goes. He should be locked up and confined from public interaction, he is a danger to those around him and whoever might be within close proximity of him. This shows that even with the white man's bible thrown at him his entire life and coming from what might look like on the outside, a "traditional" two-parent household, certain traits and behaviors are predisposed, and the teachings and importance of common law and behaving civilly have no barring on his natural tendencies.

It must've taken a lot of repetition and discipline in Tyron Woodley's upbringing for him not to fall along the same lines as his brotha Jon Jones, who, no matter what extreme physical attributes he might have that add to his aid and advantage in the cage, will never have two things that a true champion has - humility and class. A low life thug is what he'll be remembered as, a crackhead, a woman abuser, and a hit-and-run fleeing buffoon, as well as an over emotional cry baby when the chips are down. He is nothing to look up to.

And it burns you up inside that you will never come even remotely close in fame and fortune like those two undeserving "colored" guys huh?

The hate seethes deep inside of you....Micheal Jordan, Lebron must hurt to see all of these people praise these...."coloreds".


In no way can i be a racist...ive seen that shit eat people up inside...and what sucks the most is that you cant change you spend your entire life hating.
You lie and try to rationalize it but lets be burns you up inside..not to mention....they jealousy.
You could teach a class on the race-based confirmation bias surrounding Woodley.

Sherdog is people, for better or worse, but mostly worse.
I just don't view him as champ material, his UFC run has been hit and miss..I think he will be one and done.

He also kinda looks weird.
Show the snoozefests when he doesn't get a first round KO.

He had a white name, and wasn't Hispanic looking enough, I guess. People who riot over race relations don't need much.

Before and during the trial, he definitely looked hispanic.

Not sure how or why, but his complexion actually became lighter as time progressed.
Does Woodley have a single exciting fight on his resume?
Might have something to do with it.

Marquardt fight, that's about it tho. Usually a lackluster decision or early finish
I've been watching all of Woodley's interviews in the build up to UFC 205 and he just seems like a plain kind of person. Then I come onto Sherdog and he's apparently some evil monster.

Strange place Sherdog sometimes.
Never got the hate. I can see why people don't like him because of the way he tried to snub Wonderboy of his title shot but he's already accepted the fight unlike Bisping whose still snubbing Jacare. Woodley seems like a good dude and definitely doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.