California Bans Trans Fats!

Hmmm, i guess u have a point. With enough BS propaganda i wouldn't doubt it possible.
dumb. won't make a difference. what about high fructose corn syrup and simple carbohydrates, the real reason fatty mcfattys are fat.

that and sedentary lifestyles. and massive portions. and 800oz fountain sodas.
...and why exactly do we want them around again? Given a long enough timeline, America will only be populated by Nietzchian Supermen since all the smokers and fattys will become extinct.
Government shouldn't dictate what we put into our bodies. Period.

Unfortunately Finn, they reproduce while they can still find there peckers. Plus, they have a knack for out-reproducing anyone with half a brain.

*points to the intro to Idiocracy*
dumb. won't make a difference. what about high fructose corn syrup and simple carbohydrates, the real reason fatty mcfattys are fat.

that and sedentary lifestyles. and massive portions. and 800oz fountain sodas.

Don't talk shit about corn, thats just Un-American.
Legislation in the same spirit during the 70s would have attempted to ban saturated fats.

That's an excellent observation, Take. While the science behind trans fats and health is sound, it's something to ponder.
Just another reason to leave California.
Unfortunately Finn, they reproduce while they can still find there peckers. Plus, they have a knack for out-reproducing anyone with half a brain.

*points to the intro to Idiocracy*

Up until about three years ago, I was 290lbs and smoked a pack and half a day.
I didn't need the government looking out for me to change my lifestyle. If I want to give up on this powerlifting/ MMA fighting thing I've got going and go back to eating entire bags of Lay's Sour Cream and Cheddar potato chips and three blocks of Ramen noodles (chicken flavor) while washing it down w/ 2 liters of Mt. Dew that only put down long enough to take a hit of my cigarette, then I should be able to do that. (this was basically my diet before I switched over to the healthy stuff.)
Moral of the story: No one had to hold my hand and trick me into eating healthier. I did it on my own, and if I want to go back, then I better well have that option.
Good post Finn. I give you alot of respect man. From seeing what you used to look like to now and on top of training and doing MMA...thats some awesome inspirational shit.
The government does have the right to ban certain things from good (cocaine, mercury, ect.), but the transfat jig seems borderline to me.

Fuck that. I love me some mercury and would eat that shit by the spoonful if I could. Just try to find a nice bottle of food grade mercury today, though... it ain't gonna happen.

And don't even get me started on the Title 24 California Energy Code.
Goodbye transfats, hello interesterified fats.
I don't see the point. It's not like removing trans fats is going to magically make McD's food healthy. It's still garbage.
Goodbye transfats, hello interesterified fats.

I thought you made that up but then I Googled "interesterified fats". They sound like trans fats version 2.0. The food industry's next big thing in the quest for a donut that will last forever.
Anyone find the Irony in Arnold trying to tell people to be healthy after he pumped himself up using God knows what?

I think if the government wants to refuse contracts with food vendors due to Trans Fats then they should be allowed to, but to tell people what they can and can't eat is a little wrong. People know ice cream, cake, hell even bread, is bad for you, but they like to eat it.

Such ventures also help the poor get poorer, Burger King will pass on that .02 cost to the buyer, they won't take that loss themselves.

Why not stop telling people what to do and instead provide more parks for them to run in or more schools where health is placed fourth behind reading, writing and math. The same groups who want to ban trans fats are trying to make us a fat world where no one can read, but they can play the flute or draw a flower.
Transfats is probably the worst processed additive in foods today. The government does have the right to ban certain things from good (cocaine, mercury, ect.), but the transfat jig seems borderline to me.

The fact that you are posting this, and still wearing a "Ron Paul for president" sig, just confirms to me that you have no idea what you are talking about.
The fact that you are posting this, and still wearing a "Ron Paul for president" sig, just confirms to me that you usually have no idea what you are talking about.

LOL! Good catch. I totally missed that.

I just laugh when people give me the "it hurts people" argument when supporting a government law restricting the rights of the people. Here's a list of things that hurt A LOT of people yet the government doesn't make their sale or use illegal:

- Automobiles
- Motorcycles
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Guns
- Prescription Drugs
- Sex
- Religion

If you can look at this list and come up with reasons that these things should be legal, then there's your argument for why this law banning trans fats is shouldn't be law.
Why not stop telling people what to do and instead provide more parks for them to run in or more schools where health is placed fourth behind reading, writing and math. The same groups who want to ban trans fats are trying to make us a fat world where no one can read, but they can play the flute or draw a flower.

You're missing the point, too. The government will not "provide" for us, nor should we expect them to. You say that some government actions (like banning food products) are bad, but you're substituting other government actions, programs, etc. The point is, this entire realm is NONE of the government's business, and our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves at the thought of such reckless and pointless abuse of power.
Anyone find the Irony in Arnold trying to tell people to be healthy after he pumped himself up using God knows what?

I think if the government wants to refuse contracts with food vendors due to Trans Fats then they should be allowed to, but to tell people what they can and can't eat is a little wrong. People know ice cream, cake, hell even bread, is bad for you, but they like to eat it.

Such ventures also help the poor get poorer, Burger King will pass on that .02 cost to the buyer, they won't take that loss themselves.

Why not stop telling people what to do and instead provide more parks for them to run in or more schools where health is placed fourth behind reading, writing and math. The same groups who want to ban trans fats are trying to make us a fat world where no one can read, but they can play the flute or draw a flower.

you seen that documentary... "Bigger, Stronger, and Faster"... completely bashes arnold...