Cain's performance was GSPesque


Sherdogology PhD.
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Cain's performance was very GSP like in that fight he dominated and controlled every aspect of the fight for 5 rounds but did not get the finish.

If it were a GSP fight he would be getting thrashed on this board for not finishing the fight.
Cain st. Pierre.

It was exactly like a GSP fight. Lol
Cain has been trashed here for not finishing. Point?
you're right. that's what i was thinking as the fight was happening, then i thought about how a bunch of people lauding cain were probably the same ones who deride st pierre.
i said that velasquez would employ a gsp-style gameplan of mixing the strikes with take-down threats.

the difference between the two, is that cain usually commits more on the feet, and goes for the kill when he is on top. gsp doesn't risk much of anything when he's standing, or when he's on the ground.
I don't ever remember GSP struggling to take down someone who was so exhausted he could barely stand....
Cain's performance was better than any GSP performance. Hell, it was better than Randy's against Sylvia.
i said that velasquez would employ a gsp-style gameplan of mixing the strikes with take-down threats.

the difference between the two, is that cain usually commits more on the feet, and goes for the kill when he is on top. gsp doesn't risk much of anything when he's standing, or when he's on the ground.

what a bold prediction, there
GSP even subtly predicted the fight saying he knows how Cain felt during the first fight with JDS losing early on to a power punch, thus implying that Cain would come back in this rematch to win in a GSPesque fashion.
I'm "trying" to appreciate most performances in MMA, but its perpetually getting harder and harder for me... especially after watching Glory 4 last night, Those HW's fought unlike anything I've ever seen, it was absolutely brutal how much effort they put into their fights.
Cain's performance was better than any GSP performance. Hell, it was better than Randy's against Sylvia.



Cain's teammates beg to differ
Cain finished his last fight in spectacular fashion, when was the last time gsp finished someone?
Who do you know that can finish JDS?
Also rewatch the first round and say he blanketed him.
Thats one of the most intense first rounds ive seen in a while.
Cain crippled Santos in Rd 1 nearly finishing him. GSP doesn't do that.

Also note how Cain restructured Santos face and put him in the hospital.
