cain's performance proved 1rst fight was a fluke

JDS looked as awful in the first minute of this fight as anyone has ever in the cage.
There are no flukes in MMA. Cain got knocked out because he had shitty head movement and was slow out of the blocks. JDS lost this because he had shitty head movement and was slow out of the blocks.
Agreed, it was another Serra/GSP.
landing a hell of a punch is not a fluke. . .it could have very easily happened this fight too. .. props to both fighters, especially Cain that dude is a beast
Yeah, it's not that Cain hit JDS with a massive overhand in the 1st round...

HAd JDS just fallen and got finished instead of fighting till the end would you call the fight a fluke?
No, it proves MMA is unpredictable and anything can happen, such as JDS winning the rubber match by armbar.
HAd JDS just fallen and got finished instead of fighting till the end would you call the fight a fluke?

This is important.

Cain will now be seen as much better than JDS because when he got hit in the first fight, JDS ended the fight immediately.

Cain didn't hit JDS quite as well and didn't finish him, the fight went to a decision, and now the consensus is that Cain is miles better?

I don't follow the logic, personally.
fluke isn't a word many people will accept so I prefer this: the first fight didn't PROVE anything other than jds has great power early.

-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's wrestling
-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's pace

so going into this fight, it was like they never fought before as far as I'm concerned, because quick ko's (no matter who it is) mean virtually nothing
No, just no.

JDS showed that even his worst performance can keep up with Cain
fluke isn't a word many people will accept so I prefer this: the first fight didn't PROVE anything other than jds has great power early.

-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's wrestling
-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's pace

so going into this fight, it was like they never fought before as far as I'm concerned, because quick ko's (no matter who it is) mean virtually nothing

Isn't that what we have been trying to tell the JDSers the past year or so?
maybe the first fight proved that the 2nd fight was a fluke?
How is catching a guy early and controlling him to a decision afterwards when he is clearly gone any less flukish than catching a guy early and knocking him out?
no such thing as a fluke in mma.

cain got knocked out because of his striking defense

he worked on it and had much better success in the 2nd fight
no such thing as a fluke in mma.

cain got knocked out because of his striking defense

he worked on it and had much better success in the 2nd fight

I kinda thought he looked just as bad early, but he kept up his pace after getting hit and that's when JDS couldn't keep up.
fluke isn't a word many people will accept so I prefer this: the first fight didn't PROVE anything other than jds has great power early.

-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's wrestling
-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's pace

so going into this fight, it was like they never fought before as far as I'm concerned, because quick ko's (no matter who it is) mean virtually nothing

Well, we're in exactly the same place now we were in before this fight, then.

We have no idea if JDS can handle those things without taking a huge shot and having his eggs scrambled.
fluke isn't a word many people will accept so I prefer this: the first fight didn't PROVE anything other than jds has great power early.

-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's wrestling
-it didn't prove JDS could handle cain's pace

so going into this fight, it was like they never fought before as far as I'm concerned, because quick ko's (no matter who it is) mean virtually nothing

posts like this are the posts that make sherdoggers look bad
How is catching a guy early and controlling him to a decision afterwards when he is clearly gone any less flukish than catching a guy early and knocking him out?

It's not, it's almost exactly the same thing.