Media Cain is not aging well.

Lookin like one of the vampires from Dusk Till Dawn...
Seems onvious, but has anyone called him Cane Velasquez yet?

The Velasquez Cane....available at Ikea lol
mexican genetics tend to be like that. develop early and age early.
Being able to determine someone's aging based on a 640x640 pixel image sounds like a Sherdog trait.
cain became a fool when he ran off to wrestle in mexico
Ouch , what is happening with Cain ? In 10 years it looks like the man looks like 55 and up , he’s not even 40 yet ? Sad to see Cain deteriorate like that , with the news that he’s coming back to mma too.

As a guy that's 1 year younger than Cain (38 years old) that shaves my head, I can tell you that going 3 days without shaving I go from looking 28 years old to looking close to 48 years old.

But Cain has gone through ALOT physically so I bet once he shaves his head completely he'll look in his early 40s.

Also, having a higher BMI makes you look unhealthier and older. If he's around 260 and in his prime he was around 230, that's another reason why he looks alot older.
Cain doesn't look bad. He looks his age. I'm sure you look better. Who are the people around you lying to you? Lol. Jk.
With that high alcool beers your drinking every ufc card you must look very old too !! :) I took an entire year of drinking boozes more than normally and it hit me hard
All of these young bucks in here will have a rough awakening once they hit their late 30s lol
Some asshole told me that you can tell a man's age by the number of lines in his ear lobes and guessed I was about 40. Most people put me at 25-30. I'm 37.
I've been putting lotion on my earlobes every day since.

Fuck that guy.

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