Bryce Mitchell out of action due to ripped scrotum.

anyone else ever notice when your in the tub of warm water your balls shrink and then get bigger. its a trip. its like they trying to get comfortable.

need an expert sherdogger doctor to explain please.
First the guy who posts his gf cheating on him, now this..

Nobody will argue that cagefighters are smart human beings
LOL. The two threads I kept tabs open on on my phone. Great material for a laugh.
I wonder if a testicle fell out.

Sounds pretty erotic.
Lol holy fuck my buddy crashed his gt(sled) into a tree years ago and came out of the bush with his testy dragimg behind him. I had to pick it up and carry it behind him for two km out of the woods. I never looked him the same agine.
I doubt this drama queen actually ripped his scrotum. He just got a small cut on his ball sack. Big deal.
Well, at least he's taking it extremely well

anyone else ever notice when your in the tub of warm water your balls shrink and then get bigger. its a trip. its like they trying to get comfortable.

need an expert sherdogger doctor to explain please.
They're always trying to preserve your ability to reproduce by moving to a better locale. I remember my first time seeing my testicles actually move inside my ballsack. It was a tRIP

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