Literally who I thought of ... ACDC!!!
I saw this guy's documentary, Don't Die, pop up on my netflix feed.
I haven't watched it because I found a lot of documentaries about health and food to be incredibly sensationalized. Basically it seems like he's a rich guy who's obsessed with living as long as possible and using his vast resources to try to achieve that goal.
Didn't think too much about it but now he's been popping up on my youtube feed as well and there's clips of him claiming he's the healthiest person on earth, his boners are stronger than the average 18 year old despite him being in his late 40s, says he's going to live forever, etc. He's also selling products based on those claims like his brand of olive oil and blood test kits.
And of course if you make claims like there will be people who criticize you.
But there are some well-known people in the health/fitness influencer sphere like Huberman who seem to say positive things about him.
Do you think he's legit or just a marketing ploy of "Look at how healthy I am, so buy my shit if you want to be like me."
He talks a bit weird for sure. Is it from botox or did he have an accident?I just can't take a dude seriously who looks like he's had botox and fillers injected into his face
Apparently he takes cialis for his boners which is why he has "stronger" boners than an 18 year old. I also don't know how he knows what the boner quality of the average 18 year old though. How many of his son's friends did he make participate in his experiments?The guy is a fruitcake who is obsessed with his sons blood and boners. The way I see it, fill your life with fun memories and loved ones so by the time you go, you are ready and content.
If my dad asks for your blood and to measure my boner while I sleep, I'm pretty sure I would have said no at 19. I would have moved out right then and there.I watched that documentary.
At first, I was on board with what he was doing. I like people that are willing to push the envelope and experiment on themselves. Some of the things he's doing are giving us valuable data.
But then at the end, where he starts giving his dad blood, that was kinda cool. But then he asks his son to give him blood, and I didn't think that was cool at all.
He tried to make it look like his son offered, but he didn't. He asked his son, and what is the son supposed to say? No?
So yeah he's a weirdo, but maybe we can still get useful data from him.
100 a day??At first I thought he was just eccentric. But the more I saw I realized he’s crazy. His blueprint diet includes 100 pills of supplements. I understand having a strict diet but that’s no way to live.
Call me crazy, but doesn't recording your son's erection data, seems.. weird?!