Broken or sprained ankle

I had a pretty bad sprain back when I was 17.

Playing in a highschool basketball game running backwards and there was a rock on the court. The crunch sound was so loud, I was convinced it was broken.

Went to the doc who said it wasn't broken but it would have been better had I broken it. I stretched the ligaments so bad that they were flopping around on the sides of my ankle. Took nearly 2 years to regain full flexibility to it.


Go to the fucking doctor.
RICE that shit. Also probably go to a doctor.
"Hi boss. I got drunk and fucked my ankle up."

Did the conversation go something like that?
Just wanted to hear some peoples stories with a broke or sprained ankle.

Sucks in the morning but once I'm on it for awhile I'm somewhat ok.

Sprained mine pretty badly in a muay thai fight, as soon as I got out of the ring and took my ankle wraps off there was an egg on it that continued to grow even with ice on it. Got xrays and nothing was broken. Couldn't move it too much for a week or two and wasn't 100% for a good while after. It swelled up so I couldn't put a shoe on anymore and varied in colour from blue, red and yellow.
You should probably go to the hospital.
a few years back I was longboarding in S.F. down some crazy ass hills , on the way home from some catering event I got called in to do , I got a little overzealous while riding since I was sober , and put my foot down to stop and my foot rotated but my leg didn't . I fell on my board , and coasted down the hill face first ( on the board at least ) ,
I got up and my ankle felt tight , but I could stand on it so I figured maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought , It hurt like crazy so I kinda just rolled myself towards my house like that legless dude on the train in "Kids" . at some point some other dudes skated passed me while doing this and told me to "get up and skate you pussy" some lady saw me while doing this and drove me home , I R.I.C.E. ed my leg for a week and walked around on that shit for like 6 weeks , I still had this burning in my leg , and I didn't really feel like I had an ankle , so I went to the er and they told me I did break my leg , and If I would have went to the hospital they would have given me surgery immediately , instead of the one I got to have multiple surgeries because they had to rebreak my leg insert hardware then later remove it .
This was my ankle 2 months ago after a bad sprain.


Get it xray'd and keep it wrapped.

Mine is still swollen, was on crutches for 1.5 months and still getting PT.
I've sprained my right ankle about 6 times. Luckily they've all been minor, so I haven't really felt major pain in my ankle, though even the most minor sprain still sucks.