Broken nose

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Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
I broke my nose in the first minute of my last fight, it did not hinder my performance in anyway.
I'm fighting again soon and it's still broken, is this a bad Idea.
I would think so. If it doesn't already, further injury could hinder your breathing in your day to day life. I've broken my nose a few times and it's hard for me to sleep at night sometimes.

Not to steal thunder from your question but..
I recently injured my hand when training boxing. I punched and my middle finger knuckle exploded into white hot pain. It's hard to hyperextend my middle finger or make a thumping motion. I'd go get it checked out but I already had an MRI done once this year on my elbow and my insurance doesn't cover more than one /year. Any thoughts?
I just had my nose re broken a few weeks ago and this time its hindered my breathing kinda sucks but.
Terrible. How did you know it was broken? Was it reset? If so, allow at least 6 weeks before training again, let alone fighting.
Terrible. How did you know it was broken? Was it reset? If so, allow at least 6 weeks before training again, let alone fighting.

If a week has passed and they have not reset your nose there is nothing they can do.
If you catch a good shot on the nose in the near future it will most likely be rebroken worse.
i wont recommend fighting untill it's healed
it also depends on the nose. I'd take a break anyway...

i don't want to imagine if my giant nose broke..
It's a very bad idea! Not only will it have an increased chance of permanent damage i.e crooked nose and deviated septum but it will also affect your breathing when your not fighting/training...let it heal man your nose and body will thank you later!
If a week has passed and they have not reset your nose there is nothing they can do.

thats 100%...i broke my nose last month rich franklin was totally moved over...i saw a ear,nose and throat specilast and they are fixing it later this week...
Not if you don't care about your looks. Some guys can pull off the bent nose look ok.

Seriously, if any of you breaks their nose, you get it set by a good Doc, let it heal, and it will look perfectly normal. Leave the break, and/or especially spar/fight with the break will give you a scary looking fight-face.
After my last fight i never really noticed until I looked in the mirror in the dressing room, It was bent, I could move it quite far to the left and the bridge of my nose had been split open.thats when the pain hit.
I never saw a DR But there is a lump I can feel in the bridge that wasn't there before.My nose began hurting again after I spared last week.
It makes a crunching sound when I push it to the left.
thanks for the advice guys,I will rest it after my next fight.
not smart I know but the fights set to go I can,t pull out.
Why would someone fight when they just broke their nose? If you don't plan on making fighting your career, you wouldn't want a overly gnarly nose. If you do plan on making it your career, why would you risk the breating problems you could get from not healing properly?
I have a questions but they are goona sound silly.

Is there anyway to take care of your nose besides not getting hit?

Does anyone else have a really sensitive nose, a nose where all it takes is a light tap and its gushing blood?
I have a questions but they are goona sound silly.

Is there anyway to take care of your nose besides not getting hit?

Does anyone else have a really sensitive nose, a nose where all it takes is a light tap and its gushing blood?

develop great head movement.
I've got a few questions about broken noses. A couple years ago I was playing football with a few friends. We weren't wearing any gear. I had the ball and I got tackled and after I got tackled, a bunch of other guys piled on top of me and somebodies knee landed directly on my nose. It hurt really bad and it was bleeding a lot. A few minutes after the accident I grabbed my nose and kind of straightened it out and there was a loud kind of cracking/popping noise and it felt as though my nose like popped back into a socked or something like that. I never went to the hospital and it seemed to have recovered well. Was this a broken nose?
I have good head movement, but in the ring you do get hit and you get hit many times.
I will fight next month with a Broken nose cause it will break again even if I let it heal, I have a long nose so it's unavoidable.
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