British ISIS members complain about losing UK citizenship


Gold Belt
Jul 21, 2014
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The cell beheaded at least 27 Western hostages and tortured many more.

Among the captives thought to have been killed by the cell were British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, who were beheaded.

Two Britons accused of being Islamic State members have complained they will not get a fair trial because the UK government has stripped them of their citizenship. Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh, from west London, were captured in Syria in January.

They are accused of being the last two members of an IS foursome dubbed "The Beatles" because of their UK accents.

"I don't think they were very apologetic about being members of Islamic State," she told the BBC.

Libs on other forums defending ISIS members and saying they should be given a comfy cell in pussy UK instead with all their friends, treated like celebs at the taxpayers dime.

Well this thread is gonna be interesting, if the usual damage control troupe shows up pleading about their rights and how they should be brought to UK to stand trial etc. I brought drinks.

Welll,I guess they should change their names to Waswas
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Commit treason, deal with results.
Trudeau would agree. 2nd generation citizens and older should lose their citizenship or feeling of safety in their country if they disagree, for the reason of . . . No one has a clue.
Sad state if affairs when the UK takes harsher measures against returning ISIS fighters than Canada.
They committed their crimes in Iraq/Syria, they should stand trial in one of those countries. Assad has many faults, but he knows what to do with ISIS scum.
Would a fair trial include sentencing to a British prison where more jihadism can flourish?
Would a fair trial include sentencing to a British prison where more jihadism can flourish?
Prisoners in UK (and france) have a high amount of Islam supporters so they would be welcomed, probably treated nice by the guards too so they don't appear racist. Be crazy if UK capitulates on their demands, but not surprising.
Prisoners in UK (and france) have a high amount of Islam supporters so they would be welcomed, probably treated nice by the guards too so they don't appear racist. Be crazy if UK capitulates on their demands, but not surprising.

Everything seems to be such a mess.
Well this thread is gonna be interesting, if the usual damage control troupe shows up pleading about their rights and how they should be brought to UK to stand trial etc. I brought drinks.

Produce evidence of anyone on this forum pleading for ISIS members rights.

You're so full of shit that you have to accuse the posters on the other side of the Isle from you of supporting ISIS.

Produce evidence of anyone on this forum pleading for ISIS members rights.

You're so full of shit that you have to accuse the posters on the other side of the Isle from you of supporting ISIS.


Who exactly are you preparing to argue with, TS?
Produce evidence of anyone on this forum pleading for ISIS members rights.

You're so full of shit that you have to accuse the posters on the other side of the Isle from you of supporting ISIS.

You have leftists damage controlling and playing contrarian for rapists (rotherham) and illegal immigrants who commit crimes (those crimes don't count because they're statistically insignificant), so to say it's "full of shit" they won't damage control for these ISIS members is laughable when they've already exposed how full of shit they already are. And the argument was about leftists on other forums doing it, the same types you see here.
You have leftists damage controlling and playing contrarian for rapists (rotherham) and illegal immigrants who commit crimes (those crimes don't count because they're statistically insignificant), so to say it's "full of shit" they won't damage control for these ISIS members is laughable when they've already exposed how full of shit they already are. And the argument was about leftists on other forums doing it, the same types you see here.
Thanks for admitting that there is no basis for your shitpost, try and do better.
Thanks for admitting that there is no basis for your shitpost, try and do better.
So you posit no damage control happens on this forum (rotherham, illegals commiting crimes etc) to expect it is absurd? How do you think those rotherham threads got so big?
You have leftists damage controlling and playing contrarian for rapists (rotherham) and illegal immigrants who commit crimes (those crimes don't count because they're statistically insignificant), so to say it's "full of shit" they won't damage control for these ISIS members is laughable when they've already exposed how full of shit they already are. And the argument was about leftists on other forums doing it, the same types you see here.

Produce the evidence, or you're full of shit.

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