Brendan Schaub Splits From Girlfriend/Baby Momma (JRE)

Oh I didn't know the details. If they don't get along they're still doing the kid a favor by separating, kid won't benefit from growing up with two people who don't get along.

Single mothers are more likely to abuse/neglect than mothers married to biological fathers, and new boyfriends/step-fathers are more likely to abuse/neglect that any other individual typically known to a child. Obviously we all have anecdotal experiences that defy social trends like this, but in general separation is a disaster for all parties involved. There is no greater predictor for later poverty/crime than the broken family.
There are less than 2 people in this world that would have a snowball's chance against Brendan Schaub and you're not one of them.





Dat Sherbro math....

People that are worried/interested in Rogan and Schaub's lives puzzle me.
Okay but what does this have to do with UFC or MMA?

Brendan Schaub is a UFC fighter. Probably a former fighter at this point, but he is still listed on the roster.
God damn Eddie Bravo looks so fucking blazed in that screenshot lol.
He needed lube, so I guess he wasn't the dude.
Came here to see pics of his ex, left disappointed . You fail TS.
Good, men are supposed to spread their seed to as many as possible.
Feel sorry for schaub when his podcast starts to fade. Callen will only be able to carry schaub for so long.
Brendan comes across as the type of guy who takes longer to get ready for the night out than his girl
Is this the start of the usual 39 "Here's a excerpt from Rogan's Fight Companion" threads even though everyone supposedly hates Rogan and Schaub?
don't know the full story, but looks like he got full on duped for some child support money. He can kiss goodbye half of all his future paychecks. Condoms or blow loads on some tits sherbros.
I really don't like Schaub, it's hard to see where he ends and Rogan begins though.
are you really surprised? The dude is a child. He fell ass backwards into free money and thinks that makes him a grown up...
Wow... This is so mma related
Oh shit! All this time I thought this was a Destiny's Child song. How humiliating.

I have lost all respect for you knowing this. I wish ill upon your loved ones.

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