Brendan Schaub Claims he makes 7 figures off his podcast, why cant fighters get paid as much!

It's all based on who you tune-in for. People who tune into Schaub's podcasts are tuning in for Schaub. Hence why he makes so much more than he did as a fighter that not as many tuned in for.
He meant he gets paid in action figures. 7 of them to be precise.
Dude owns a 100k+ Bentley.
He also owns a 100k+ Porsche.
Owns a House on the beach in Marina del ray (750k+ easy)
owns a second house in the LA area (another 750k+ easy)
Eats lunches at defino and these other abbot kiney places that run 200+ meal.
That is a 7 figure life easy. You need to make 150k/year to be poor in LA let alone live good like he does.
Podcast advertising was 435M/year in 2012. It is wayyyy more now.
According to New York magazine (2014 article) if you use the cost per mille metric (per thousand listens) pay was 20-45 in 2014. At 3 million downloads a month TFATK was making a conservative 60k-135k/month for generic advertisers in 2014 dollars. Target advertisers will pay way more than that, especially when you have a partnership.
Dude owns a 100k+ Bentley.
He also owns a 100k+ Porsche.
Owns a House on the beach in Marina del ray (750k+ easy)
owns a second house in the LA area (another 750k+ easy)
Eats lunches at defino and these other abbot kiney places that run 200+ meal.
That is a 7 figure life easy. You need to make 150k/year to be poor in LA let alone live good like he does.
Podcast advertising was 435M/year in 2012. It is wayyyy more now.
According to New York magazine (2014 article) if you use the cost per mille metric (per thousand listens) pay was 20-45 in 2014. At 3 million downloads a month TFATK was making a conservative 60k-135k/month for generic advertisers in 2014 dollars. Target advertisers will pay way more than that, especially when you have a partnership.
I doubt he paid in full for a lot of those things. Be realistic
I see lot of buttburt haters are in total denial of his success.

Hate all you want, He will be collecting them mad money and banging hot chicks.
the definition of winning life.




Brendan bless

Ha ha fair enough. Although, that said, introduce me to a hot chick and I will introduce you to a dude who is sick of fucking her
Joe Rogan owes everyone an apology for this mess.


Tons of butthurt everytime schaub is mentioned. Is his success really something away from you?? Does it really make your life worse? Or should it be a bright example how even a guy like him could turn his life around at 30 and with good motivation, no fear, hardwork and little bit of luck succeed. I cant say that im a huge fan, but schaub (without the cyborg "fight") has never done anything to me, and there is no need for me to hate.

People run on here to post the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth, which I then see as thread titles. He personally makes my life worse by giving his tardo fans commentary to bring here like anything he says matters.

He could be a billionaire for all I care and it wouldn't affect my opinion of him nor would I hate him more for being rich. I just want him to go away. That's where the butthurt comes from.
I doubt he paid in full for a lot of those things. Be realistic
Even if he did not its a ton each month. A 100k car payment is like 1300-1500/month. The mortage on a 750k house is 4500ish a month. So even fiannced he needs 7100-7500 a month just to cover those three.
Ya he rollin in dat podcast money

If you guys want to make a good estimate about how much he actually makes look up how many liseners he has and what sponsors, and you think how much those sponsors would pay to reach that many people

I doubt its 7 figures, not even 1mil before tax for the both of them not including costs

This has to be one of the comedian's lowest paycheques, I doubt he's making 7 figures off this when he aint even making 6 figures doing comedy and I include tv series and everything else he does in the comedy field, not just stand up
can confirm

he's on fs1 you goofs

plus merch

plus touring

They make pennies off that, and merch ? You think tens of thousands of people are buying Brendan Schaub merch ? The fuck dude
Ya he rollin in dat podcast money

If you guys want to make a good estimate about how much he actually makes look up how many liseners he has and what sponsors, and you think how much those sponsors would pay to reach that many people

I doubt its 7 figures, not even 1mil before tax for the both of them not including costs

This has to be one of the comedian's lowest paycheques, I doubt he's making 7 figures off this when he aint even making 6 figures doing comedy and I include tv series and everything else he does in the comedy field, not just stand up
Podcast advertising was 435M/year in 2012. It is wayyyy more now.
According to New York magazine (2014 article) if you use the cost per mille metric (per thousand listens) pay was 20-45 in 2014. At 3 million downloads a month TFATK was making a conservative 60k-135k/month for generic advertisers in 2014 dollars. Target advertisers will pay way more than that, especially when you have a partnership.
My company did some advertising on Podcasts in 2014. I've seen the rates across the board from most big and midsize podcasts networks (admittedly, not TFATK specifically) and the millions-per-month downloaded shows command enormous rates.

If his show is consistently getting several million downloads, it is overwhelmingly likely they pull down 6 figures every month in ad revenue.

I'd imagine they have a split between themselves as co-hosts, and FS1, so I can't speak to what his individual cut is - but the show generating 7 figures a year in revenue is pretty much a forgone conclusion for anyone familiar with the ad rates.

Assuming they are selling thousands of t-shirts a year, even if he was rounded up a bit, he's most definitely making a great living.
My company did some advertising on Podcasts in 2014. I've seen the rates across the board from most big and midsize podcasts networks (admittedly, not TFATK specifically) and the millions-per-month downloaded shows command enormous rates.

If his show is consistently getting several million downloads, it is overwhelmingly likely they pull down 6 figures every month in ad revenue.

I'd imagine they have a split between themselves as co-hosts, and FS1, so I can't speak to what his individual cut is - but the show generating 7 figures a year in revenue is pretty much a forgone conclusion for anyone familiar with the ad rates.

Assuming they are selling thousands of t-shirts a year, even if he was rounded up a bit, he's most definitely making a great living.
But but but the shertards who know nothing about podcast or business advertising rates swear that cannot be true...........
seven figures? like toy dwarfs or shit like that because he is not making money with that brain

Tito: I run a multi billion dollar company