
DC is the real champion, Jones was coked up.
The fight had nothing to do with Jones testing for coke.
omfg the shitstorm if something comes from this t/e ratio thing
Dc set out to #breakbones and in a way he did. He set up the match that ended bones. Symbolism is something else people. DC literally broke bones and he didn't even need to win the match to do it.

Jones said we bought the wrong shirt but did we really?

#breakbones . God is good people

I think Jones showed that only his addiction to cocaine can beat him in a fight because DC proved he could not, just like every other fighter that has stepped into the cage with him.
WOW! There are so many broken souls about JBJ beating DC.... LMFAO at the butthurt DC kiddies.
DC had his chance guys and he came up short very short. He got beaten at his own game outwrestled outclassed everywhere...you fanboys need to acknowledge and appreciate that your boy lost in the ring at 182 and no amount of Coke or keyboard warrioring is gonna change that...LMFAO

I dont think they are even DC kiddies. just sad haters. DC said so himself.
Dc set out to #breakbones and in a way he did. He set up the match that ended bones. Symbolism is something else people. DC literally broke bones and he didn't even need to win the match to do it.

Jones said we bought the wrong shirt but did we really?

#breakbones . God is good people

Classless post, man. This had nothing to do with Cormier, and everything with being surrounded with the wrong kind of people.
Classless post, man. This had nothing to do with Cormier, and everything with being surrounded with the wrong kind of people.

It's hard for some to confront, but with the 'injury delay', the sus T ratio, plus the drugs, it seems that DC (or JJ's fear of him) pushed Jon to break and start taking PED's and Cocaine to boost his self belief, or at least go even harder on those PEers to the point that he has finally been caught.

I don't see how you can see that MIGHT BE PLAUSIBLE.



You seriously bought that ugly ass gold thing he walked out with?

...and you paid 99 bucks for it?

There really is a sucker born every minute...I mean I heard people like you were out there...but I really wasn't sure.

Just so we are clear, you paid 100 bucks for this p.o.s???

Just so we are clear, you paid 100 bucks for this p.o.s???

If you could read, you would see that I clearly paid $114.43 for it.

Not only are you poor, but you are also illiterate.

Shout out to public education!
If you could read, you would see that I clearly paid $114.43 for it.

Not only are you poor, but you are also illiterate.

Shout out to public education!

I'd wager my house is bigger than yours, my wife is better looking...my motorcycle has a higher rated cc...my dick is bigger, and that extra 100 bucks I'd save NOT purchasing a t-shirt that nobody likes would be enough to rent your mom for 2 hours.

Now get your ugly ass taste outta this thread before you further embarrass yo-self.

I'd wager my house is bigger than yours, my wife is better looking...my motorcycle has a higher rated cc...my dick is bigger, and that extra 100 bucks I'd save NOT purchasing a t-shirt that nobody likes would be enough to rent your mom for 2 hours.

Now get your ugly ass taste outta this thread before you further embarrass yo-self.
