Brazilian kick


Nov 18, 2006
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I first saw Feitosa do this kick about 2 years ago. I never really cared too much for it but after seeing him rock Schilt with it I decided I'd try to learn it too. I about a month after I learned it I joined an MMA gym in my area. During the MT class sparring sessions, I can land this kick about 90% of the time on everyone there. Even the guys who are much better than myself and it seems I'm the only one who knows how to do it there (I've seen a TKD guy do a variation of it on the bags however). Our instructor doesn't teach this kick but it seems to be so effective against MT guys because they're all used to dealing with absolutes. If it's a HK it's an HK, there's no deviation, same with body kicks and LK's. So has anyone else tried this with any success? If you're unfamiliar with the kick I speak of check out Glaube Feitosa on Youtube.
I love this kick... I added it into my sparring arsenal about 6 months ago. I do Muay Thai so it really throws alot of people off, usually they think i'm going for a teep but i'll just fling it up there.

When I first started trying it I couldn't even get my foot past my waist, I thought it required great flexibility but its really not the case. Once you get the movement of your planted foot correct it is quick and powerful and relatively easy.
Glaube is and has been my standup hero for years. Not sure which K1, maybe 03 he KO'd his way threw everyone with the BHK. My favorite kick and he is by far the best user of it I have ever seen.

WAR Feitosa!!

YouTube - Glaube Feitosa Highlights
When I was in Thailand last summer there was a German kid that was nailing me with that kick. I knew it was coming, but he still caught me with

That's it, thanks. Sorry I'm at work and can't access Youtube.

I love this kick... I added it into my sparring arsenal about 6 months ago. I do Muay Thai so it really throws alot of people off, usually they think i'm going for a teep but i'll just fling it up there.

When I first started trying it I couldn't even get my foot past my waist, I thought it required great flexibility but its really not the case. Once you get the movement of your planted foot correct it is quick and powerful and relatively easy.

Awesome! Yeah it's definitely not a flexibility thing. If you can land a HK you can do the BK. Also you're correct about the teep, as stated before about 90% of the time they anticipate the teep and eat it. The 10% it fails is usually because they've eaten about 4-5 BK's but one or two more push kicks allows them to go unanswered again.
Looks like a karate "roundhouse" with a thai "round kick" follow through.
Looks like a karate "roundhouse" with a thai "round kick" follow through.

Essentially, yes. It's like a feint to the body then the strike to the face.

I love Glaube's fights too. His kick are powerful and his hands are great. Did anyone see his last fight? His hands looked great in rd #2.
there is a similar technique in thai boxing, using the cutting kick
Hey isn't that clip the same Kyryllo that posts on here?

Great kick btw. I'll have to start using training it.
Hey isn't that clip the same Kyryllo that posts on here?


Yes he is.

When I happen to spar guys in kickboxing I can nail people with that at will, I even got bored with it and consider it for my self "a forbidden technique" as it is too effective. I'm not sparring world class people though.
there is a similar technique in thai boxing, using the cutting kick

yea they're both fairly similar with the follow through. The one i use in sparring is a variation of both the brazilian and cutting kick. I load it like a brazilian yet the contact and follow through and angle are more like a cutting kick. I've landed it to peoples necks and temples and floored a couple people with it, it's a pretty good kick to use especially if your flexible
Definitely rate it's effectiveness as a tool in a bigger arsenal. There's a guy I sometimes spar with at MT that for some unknown reason can only seem to throw brazilian kicks (I've never seen him throw a thai kick). Saw him catch one of our better fighters in the head with it, definitely surprised the fighter. It's all he throws though, so if you know it's coming, they're not too hard to avoid, but when they are randomly thrown in, definitely very off-putting.
it's almost like a baseball pitcher with a little hesitation in his delivery...messes up your timing.

i've seen kyokushin and traditional karate guys done it.
holy shit one of my friends who trains tang soo do (but the place he goes definitely trains hands heavily cuz his hands are lethal and he's done very well in some amateur kickboxing comps) does that to me ALL the freaking time wen we screw around sparring..he pulls up short obviously but it fakes me out so well
Yes he is.

When I happen to spar guys in kickboxing I can nail people with that at will, I even got bored with it and consider it for my self "a forbidden technique" as it is too effective. I'm not sparring world class people though.

I just want to say thanks a bunch, that how to video really helped me figure out the mechanics. You're right though, it's almost too easy to land it if you just randomly throw it with either leg. But it's still fun as hell!

War Glaube!

Also, his last fight was great, K-1 has the absolute best replays. The super close up of Roberts' face when the last BK lands and consciousness goes out is beautiful. Too bad Schilt is just so damn large, Feitosa in '08!
Yes he is.

When I happen to spar guys in kickboxing I can nail people with that at will, I even got bored with it and consider it for my self "a forbidden technique" as it is too effective. I'm not sparring world class people though.

Oh ho, I forgot about you Kyryllo... maybe you can help with something.

I was watching a kyokushin guy named Ewerton Teixeira train and I think he trains with Feitosa. The guy holding pads for him had leg pads (thigh protectors), big thick ones, that were secured with a harness/belt. It looked really good for practiciing high/low combos quickly.

Do you know what it's called or where one could be purchased?
I've looked around for a picture, but could no find one.

The show was K-1 Battle Scramble.
Yes he is.

When I happen to spar guys in kickboxing I can nail people with that at will, I even got bored with it and consider it for my self "a forbidden technique" as it is too effective. I'm not sparring world class people though.

It just looks like a fake-doubel roundhouse
The show was K-1 Battle Scramble.

I have nothing to add as far as your question goes, but I'd like to note that my roommate and I have made a running gag of "I don't want to talk about Schilt anymore..." and pretty much anything the masked doctor said when he was pressing for who the 'mystery' fighter would be.
kyryllo has got the slick kicks