Boxing gym charges 464,11 US Dollars for a year


Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
I've located another one that only charges 186 US Dollar

Both are fighting gyms with competitors.

Why are the prices so different? And what do you, the reader, pay to box or kickbox/thai box?
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Circumstances are different. Rent in one may be far lower, space might be smaller, they might have more customers, less staff, etc.

$185 / year seems really low, though. Works out to what, a little over $15 / month? Not sure how they're making any money on that.
Circumstances are different. Rent in one may be far lower, space might be smaller, they might have more customers, less staff, etc.

$185 / year seems really low, though. Works out to what, a little over $15 / month? Not sure how they're making any money on that.

The gym I Ieft charged 267,24 US Dollars for 12 months, which is more reasonable.
My Karate dojo charges 25$ a month.
My Judo club charges 10$ a month.
My boxing club charges 37$ a month.
Boxing gyms that cheap open their doors, turn on a round timer and leave it at that. No classes, no instruction. Place probably aint the cleanest and the gear is beat up and worn out. If there are any trainers hanging around they’re not helping you unless you’re paying for their time.
Boxing gyms that cheap open their doors, turn on a round timer and leave it at that. No classes, no instruction. Place probably aint the cleanest and the gear is beat up and worn out. If there are any trainers hanging around they’re not helping you unless you’re paying for their time.

They offer either "mixed group/general boxing" . Or "advanced group and competitors etc.,

No beginner groups as such. Does that mean a lot of time on your own?
Also 3 hour sessions! That probably means I can arrive whenever I want within this time frame, which is perfect for a undergraduate student with irregular schedules.
Boxing gyms that cheap open their doors, turn on a round timer and leave it at that. No classes, no instruction. Place probably aint the cleanest and the gear is beat up and worn out. If there are any trainers hanging around they’re not helping you unless you’re paying for their time.
Isn't that how its always been?
$100 or more per month seems to be the standard here in LA for no contract...some gyms are $200 or more.

This is combat sports in general, not boxing. You can get it cheaper per month on a contract.

Drop in fees for one session seem to be $20-$30 now.
$100 or more per month seems to be the standard here in LA for no contract...some gyms are $200 or more.

This is combat sports in general, not boxing. You can get it cheaper per month on a contract.

Drop in fees for one session seem to be $20-$30 now.

This is Europe I'm talking about. 464 dollars for 12 months is an insane amount. It's not even a prestigous gym. Sure the coach has had a famous national boxer but nobody on the street knows the instructor by name. Karate classes are 276 dollars per year, though that excludes grading, belts, which costs too.
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Isn't that how its always been?
thats sort of the old school way and can still work, but I’m a fan of having a structured schedule and training system. Technique classes and fight team built on the foundation of organized bag classes
$720usd a year for a boxing gym here!!!
At least i train muay thai for free
That's a steal for BJJ, and MMA prices. Usually 1k+ a year
The muay thai is with a different club. They train out of a hall. Pretty basic set up but they have trained some great local fighters
The muay thai is with a different club. They train out of a hall. Pretty basic set up but they have trained some great local fighters
Really all you need is a space and bodies for work.

My new gym's small as well, no heavybags, but I have one at the local chain gym so it works out.

But hey, its hard to beat free