Long story short: what type of boxer were you and how did you apply your style, or adapt your style when you trained and fought kickboxing seriously?
As I feared my boxing and kickboxing training's started to diverge. As a boxer my reactions aren't great but my speed is, so I've developed more of a classical boxer stick and move, changing levels and throwing a lot of fakes, punching from angles and doing a lot of dancing in and out of range.
However I'm starting to think brawler types of boxers would be more successful in applying their boxing to kickboxing, since classical boxers fight at range and in kickboxing, rangefighting is done with kicks. I can't be pulling a Mayweather type in-out during my kickboxing training.
On the other hand kickboxing stance most MT and Sanshou people I train with use is really open to body shots. Whereas it's almost impossible to target a shot to the solar plexus against a boxer I'm surprised how many body shots of all types I catch my partners with during kickboxing sparring. Stuff I'd never be able to pull off in boxing sparring. (of course I'm not sparring super good people)
As I feared my boxing and kickboxing training's started to diverge. As a boxer my reactions aren't great but my speed is, so I've developed more of a classical boxer stick and move, changing levels and throwing a lot of fakes, punching from angles and doing a lot of dancing in and out of range.
However I'm starting to think brawler types of boxers would be more successful in applying their boxing to kickboxing, since classical boxers fight at range and in kickboxing, rangefighting is done with kicks. I can't be pulling a Mayweather type in-out during my kickboxing training.
On the other hand kickboxing stance most MT and Sanshou people I train with use is really open to body shots. Whereas it's almost impossible to target a shot to the solar plexus against a boxer I'm surprised how many body shots of all types I catch my partners with during kickboxing sparring. Stuff I'd never be able to pull off in boxing sparring. (of course I'm not sparring super good people)