Boxer's beware!


Striking Asshole and Mutherfuckin Awesome Guy
Mar 31, 2005
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What the shit!?

I'm pretty sure he just made that shit up as he went along.
That guy has been putting up videos like that for years.

Someone called him out a few years ago and he freaked out and threatened to kill them. I can't find the videos but I think he apologized and then pulled all the videos down.

I think that's his main channel.
Welp, I'm fucked. Thanks SAAMAG. I guess I should cancel my Vegas plans now. Sorry Sinister. You won't be getting any money from me, you swindler. I bet you weren't even gonna tell me this kind of stuff was out there.
This guy should turn up and do this demonstration at a boxing gym.

There are plenty of sadistic fuckers who'd love to oblige him.
I mean, there is a little truth to what he is saying.

Sometimes I enter the plum by feinting a punch, then touching both forearms. Then they do something, usually jerk their arms off mine. I try to keep touching them until I get a step closer so that I can use the contact to stop a punch. Once I'm close enough, I shove past into the plum.

It isn't like what I'm saying (or the video) is novel. Boxers use the clinch to stop punches all the time.

The main problem is his arrogance. I could make a video that says:

"Ok, you are a boxer and you are up against some TMA practitioner that can't deal with your hands so he is going to either kick you or put you in a double collar tie while hiding his chin. This is what you do. When their hands come out to preemptively trap yours, pivot and hook. You will catch them every time."
I would so elbow them in the ribs while i am in the clinch with them....
I love the part where the 'boxer' stands there doing nothing as he reaches out and grabs the 'boxers' hands.

For some reason I imagine a boxer throwing a punch as soon as his hands start reaching forward...
I love the part where the 'boxer' stands there doing nothing as he reaches out and grabs the 'boxers' hands.

For some reason I imagine a boxer throwing a punch as soon as his hands start reaching forward...

I love it when a boxer throws a jab and the other person just stands there and blocks. Every time they do that I just see someone kicking their front leg.

I'm not really trying to be flippant, but you see my point. He's nerding up his explanation, but all he is doing is entering a clinch by touching the forearms and then throwing a couple of short punches. I'm sure he's just cocky because he's done martial arts for decades and only ever sparred boxers with like 3 weeks of YMCA experience.

Edit: this guy is giving away something for free. If you believe for a minute that he has faith in this move because he has done it, how do you know you aren't vulnerable to it?

People put a lot of faith in their high guard. I like to throw the roundhouse kick behind it into the ribs on people who haven't sparred me before. It works because a lot of people see me kicking right at the guard and believe that they are safe, or that they are going to catch the kick, so they just stand there and let me do it. This technique is the same thing. It really works on less worldly people, because they see your hands come out, don't feel threatened, and let you touch. The counter is easy. Just pivot and hook, or probably just start hitting him in the face when it starts, but that isn't what happens.

When someone doesn't feel threatened by your movement, they are just as likely to stand there and let you do whatever it is as they are to attack. An opponent's vulnerability to this sort of thing is easy to detect, so if you get in front of them and realize they will just knock your block off for trying this sort of thing, you don't have to do it. From a self defense stand point, if your opponent is going to give away the touch, you have to take it.
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I dont even have words...
While it does not really work on a trained boxer that wants to fight. I have used it or a variation on it before against "boxers", ie: some one that has seen or watched boxing and is imitating what they see. One these types it works pretty well, but then most stuff does.

(Well I have used it exactly once against a real boxer. It worked for about a second simply because he could not believe I tried something so silly)
Lol. Ok ok. The idea of smashing someone's own hands against their face I've seen and done, but more to humiliate them then as a "tactic".

I had one guy I remember long ago in a Kung fu class who would cover his face like that and crouch forward. So I side kicked arms and he of course hit himself. It was funny, but kinda mean. I told him if he would have been looking straight ahead he would have seen the kick coming...still get hit...but would have seen it coming! Lol.
haha SummerStriker always playing the devil's advocate. I like it. What did you mean by kicking at their guard, and then hitting them behind the ribs? Where's the contact point of the kick, is it going high, then low?

But in regards to the video though, no one who takes 4 months of boxing would even hold their guard like that. The variants using the same general idea that other posters have mentioned here can be legit. But as it is, in the video, that's not really going to be effective. I recall there being a ton of discussions about the typical high guard, and what's being shown is not even anything remotely close to it.
Is this a troll video or does this guy really believe what he's saying?
Yes...because there are no fraudulent or B.S. non-asians running around the martial arts world.
haha SummerStriker always playing the devil's advocate. I like it. What did you mean by kicking at their guard, and then hitting them behind the ribs? Where's the contact point of the kick, is it going high, then low?

But in regards to the video though, no one who takes 4 months of boxing would even hold their guard like that. The variants using the same general idea that other posters have mentioned here can be legit. But as it is, in the video, that's not really going to be effective. I recall there being a ton of discussions about the typical high guard, and what's being shown is not even anything remotely close to it.

Ha, I guess I've been here long enough if I'm being called the devil's advocate. That's pretty true. If anything is true I'll get it out with an argument.

There is a limit to how well you can train against someone who does a different style without having done that style yourself. In the past when I was at a school that brought in people to spar with at random, we knew ahead of time that we had kenpo karate and capoeria people coming in to spar. You should see me try to do the ginga. What a joke. BUT acting out what we expected them to do and countering it ended up helping out tremendously - while the form was all wrong the idea was right.

Sure, it is offensive to see someone who can't do your style talking about how to beat it, but for people of one group worried about another, there isn't really a choice.The ninja aren't going to become boxers, but they have to think about how to handle it. They don't have to be dicks about it, that's for sure.

If someone has their hands up in front of their face, yes, I believe whole heartedly that pushing their hands in their face is a good tactic for self defense. Not even .0001% of assholes are pro fighters, and tactics that take advantage of weakness is valid for self defense.

About kicking behind the arm, I made a video real fast while I was practicing today.


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