Boon 16oz Glove

Yeah of course but you gotta agree gladiator boons are awesome for 59.99
wow that sucks and sounds pretty painful.
what were you doing? was it a rock hard heavybag?

IMO BGL6 < Boon

Broke a knuckle wearing BGL6 12s

Love my Boons although I use my winnings almost exclusively now
wow that sucks and sounds pretty painful.
what were you doing? was it a rock hard heavybag?

I was in Thailand at the time. Well maybe it wasn't "broken" but my little knuckle was extremely sore and painful for 3-4 weeks. Not sure exactly when/ how it happened, the bags weren't that hard.
Looking back, it could have been the 12 training sessions a week that did it.
No such issues with the winnings.

I bought my BGL6 for approx
Yeah it's kind of tough to beat Winnings in terms of protection, but then again we're talking 4x the cost.

I was in Thailand at the time. Well maybe it wasn't "broken" but my little knuckle was extremely sore and painful for 3-4 weeks. Not sure exactly when/ how it happened, the bags weren't that hard.
Looking back, it could have been the 12 training sessions a week that did it.
No such issues with the winnings.

I bought my BGL6 for approx
I don't have weak hands, I think winnings are great to have period. I used Reyes almost all the time.
Updated see post 2 for Blue glove shipment :D
Updated see post 2 for Blue glove shipment :D

You have the red, blue, and your still looking for brown. You need help, my friend. :eek:

I love the chunky palm side wrist padding on these gloves. It's an area most glove makers tend to neglect. Great glove overall.
I got them super cheap!!! I always look for deals my friend :)
Boon does really great colors period but I think their brown is best
Strato, I am not sure the brown isnt going to be pale like those red/blue either. In past some dude got Boons he described as "Pooh" colour lol
I love the boon colors Ivan, I think we just messed up on the talking about "Light" I meant light as in weight. No the red and blues are amazing. The brown Ive seen its more like a chocolate brown. Very pretty.
The current Boons are Chocolate brown. We did get a shipment a little over a year ago that was less than stellar as far as the colors go, but every shipment since has been the dark, rich brown.
The Boons from Title are definitely chocolate brown and not "pooh" brown.

I've only had the glove for about a week and had six different people compliment and ask about the gloves.

Wait... Rsk you were giving me crap for having an issue?! You bought the browns!