Boomi - for smart snacking.


Doctor of Doom
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Feb 22, 2005
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We just started carrying these in one of the stores I work at (I work at 2 different locations), and I know a lot of you guys liked the Green Goodness I recommended. Next to that these are my second favorite organic thing to consume.

The nutrition facts vary depending on which ones you get. Like the Cranberry/Apple ones are more carbs and little protein (excellent post-workout) whereas others are higher protein because of the use of various types of nuts. These are also the only 100% organic bars we sell in the store. They're small, and tasty, an all-around good product.
I love the pumpkin flavored ones. I cant buy them though becaus eI eat like 6 of them in one sitting lmfao
lol I don't care for the pumpkin ones but the Cashew Almond ones are probably going to be the Death of me.
I ate so many pumkin ones awhile ago that that I had to lay down on my kitchen floor to avoid throwing up it was not a good thing then I had orange shit for 2 days
Oh man. I can't stop laughing at that. So let me guess, did the wife forbid you to buy them anymore as a result or did Bramble curse at you about it? lol
What is Green Goodness, and where can I get these?
Bramble was fucking pissed becaus ei was 12 pounds over my normal daily weight from a combination of pumpkin boomi and those chilled starbucks carmel frapacinoes.
Bramble was fucking pissed becaus ei was 12 pounds over my normal daily weight from a combination of pumpkin boomi and those chilled starbucks carmel frapacinoes.

HA HA HA!! Remind me to lay-off the Boomi's when I get out there. Las thing he needs is a repeat episode of Boomi weight-destruction.

Soid - The website I linked in the first-post you can order the Boomi bars from I believe. And as far as the Green Goodness, look up the most recent Green drink thread and I posted a link there.

You could also google either one.
Their homepage (attractive layout):

They also sell vegan chocolate, and it looks delicious too (although it will never be as good as milk chocolate, I don't care what any vegan says).

Check out the flavors:

Almond Protein Plus
Apricot Cashew
Cashew Almond
Cashew Protein Plus
Cranberry Apple
Fruit & Nut
Healthy Hazel
Macadamia Paradise
Perfect Pumpkin
Pineapple Ginger
Pistachio Pineapple
That's a good price, I paid about that with the 30% discount at GNC.
Soid said:
What is Green Goodness, and where can I get these?

Green Goodness is a juice that has a bu nch of healthy greens and it's mixed with regular juice to supposedly taste better. I got a bottle from the recommendation on this forum, it tastes like someone blended grass clippings in water. I toughed it out for a few days but on the last glass of the bottle I puked the stuff back up. It was vile.
Green Goodness is a juice that has a bu nch of healthy greens and it's mixed with regular juice to supposedly taste better. I got a bottle from the recommendation on this forum, it tastes like someone blended grass clippings in water. I toughed it out for a few days but on the last glass of the bottle I puked the stuff back up. It was vile.

If you couldn't keep down the Green Goodness then you're certainly not going to keep down any other Green Drink. Especially like the Green Magma or Maximum Greens. The Green Goodness tastes more like apple to me than anything. I think your tastebuds just suck.